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AoL# 24 i'n. 780 <br />Mr. Don Schreiner from the Lee County Veterans Council completed the required paperwork to <br />appear before the Board and give an update on the Council's activities since its organization in <br />November 2010. Mr. Schreiner stated the Council meets on a monthly basis, has met with and <br />received approval from the Town of Broadway to use the Veterans Memorial for special events, <br />received approval to use the Lee County Seal as part of their logo, sponsored a booth at the Sanford - <br />Lee County Fair, and assisted with the Toys for Tots program. Future activities include a Memorial Day <br />event, Flag Day in June, a July 4`" activity, and a Veterans' Day activity. All veterans are welcome to <br />join and attend meetings. No action taken. <br />Mr. Mark Thomas provided the required paperwork to appear before the Board to ask that the <br />sale of beer and wine be placed on the May primary ballot. As noted in a memo from Attorney Dale <br />Talbert, the Board of Elections is required to hold an alcoholic beverages election upon the request of <br />the Board of Commissioners or upon a petition by registered voters. The election may be conducted <br />County -wide or on a township basis. The law recognizes seven different propositions for the sale of <br />alcoholic beverages that may be the subject of an election (NCGS 18B -602). Four propositions <br />concern the "off- premises" and "on- premises" sales of malt beverages. Three propositions concern the <br />sale of unfortified wine. Ms. Nancy Kimble from the Board of Elections discussed the process and <br />stated that a signed resolution by the Commissioners will need to be received in her office by Thursday, <br />March 8` if the matter is to be placed on the May ballot. After discussion, Commissioner Reives moved <br />to approve a resolution requesting the Lee County Board of Elections to conduct an alcoholic <br />beverages election in all county townships for the off - premises sale only of malt beverages and fortified <br />wine, a copy of which is attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a <br />vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Community Development Director Bob Bridwell presented a power -point presentation on a <br />Medical Arts Village concept for Sanford. Mr. Bridwell stated the area surrounding Central Carolina <br />Hospital should be viewed as a significant economic, physical and social asset for Lee County and <br />would benefit by design enhancements to its thoroughfares, lighting, pedestrian, signage and <br />streetscape facilities creating a village environment. He discussed design elements, development <br />analysis and financing possibilities for such a project. No action was taken. <br />Economic Development Director Bob Heuts presented a power -point presentation on economic <br />development matters. The legal basis for a local EDC Program was discussed which states, per NCGS <br />158 -7.1 that each county and city in this state is authorized to make appropriation for the purpose of <br />aiding and encouraging the location of manufacturing enterprises, making industrial surveys, and <br />locating industrial and commercial plants in or near such city or in the county;.... or other purposes <br />which in the discretion of the governing body .... will increase the population, taxable property, <br />agricultural industries, and business prospects of any city or county. These activities may be funded by <br />levy of property taxes. Mr. Heuts stated a county or city may undertake the following economic <br />development activities: <br />• City or county may acquire and develop land for an industrial park, to be used for <br />manufacturing, assembly, warehousing, R &D, office use or similar industrial or <br />commercial uses, <br />• City or county may acquire, assemble and hold for resale property suitable for industrial <br />or commercial use, <br />3 <br />