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4cc 24 8(' 1 <br />• Not expecting many changes to the State budget this year. <br />• A real concern to the County was an 18% increase in health insurance premiums. After <br />discussion with Blue Cross and Blue Shield, they were able to get the premiums down to <br />less than 12 %. The Board discussed the PPO and HSA health insurance accounts that <br />employees have the option to participate in. <br />• Employees will be receiving a 3.6% COLA pay increase this year. <br />• Salary study is unknown at this time and the completion date has been pushed back to <br />May. <br />• On the revenue side, sales are up approximately 2 %. <br />• Concern over whether Youth Services will receive JCPC funding this year. The Boys <br />and Girls Club has also applied for this grant. <br />• Four grant positions in the Sheriff's Department were discussed. Funding for these <br />positions will run out in April and the department will use drug money to continue paying <br />salaries through the end of the fiscal year. <br />• Can't continue to use fund balance; was used a lot last year. The Board needs to stay <br />within the 14 -18% policy. <br />Commissioner Womack stated he wanted to see the tax rate go down at least 2 cents this year. <br />His belief is that if taxes are lower growth will come to the county. Also concerned about the sales tax <br />distribution and would like to see that changed. Mr. Womack also stated he would like to dissolve the <br />joint planning department with the City of Sanford this year. <br />Mr. Crumpton stated that $1.4 million in sales tax goes to the City of Sanford and $95,000 to the <br />Town of Broadway. <br />Commissioner Reives stated that all boards (County, City and Broadway) need to sit down <br />together to discuss issues. <br />Representatives from SBTDC met with the Board to discuss their work with the Board on <br />developing an Economic Development Strategic Plan for Lee County. <br />With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Parks moved to adjourn the <br />work session. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m. <br />� - �4 � - <br />f nda A. Shook, Chairman <br />ee County Board of Commissioners <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNY <br />Presented for registration on this - - day <br />of .p a� 20, z at "- :l �: -W/PM <br />recorded in Book _.2 — Page S� <br />Mollie A. McInnis, Register of Deeds <br />