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2011 - 10-03-2011 Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 10-03-2011 Reg. Meeting
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3/21/2012 7:35:55 AM
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3/21/2012 7:35:24 AM
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® pacK 24 At E 48P <br />Ms. McGehee stated that five proposals were selected for presentations to the County Manager and <br />Human Resource personnel. After careful consideration of many factors, Springsted was <br />recommended as the company to conduct the study. A total of $40,000 was budgeted in the FY 2011- <br />12 budget for this project. Springsted has also offered to spread the cost (interest free) over a three - <br />year period if so desired. Concerns were expressed by Board members for the additional $3,600 in <br />expenses in addition to the bid of $29,550 submitted by Springsted. After much discussion, <br />Commissioner Hayes moved to approve the bid from Springsted in the amount of $29,550 contingent <br />upon them removing the $3,600 expense portion of their bid. The motion also included that the bid <br />would go to Evergreen Solutions in the amount of $28,000 if negotiations could not be reached with <br />Springsted. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />At this time the Board held a public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time to <br />consider an economic development project between the Lee County Economic Development <br />Corporation and Zurn Industries, LLC. Economic Development Director Bob Heuts presented details in <br />reference to the proposed project. Mr. Heuts stated the proposed project involved a $38,000 request <br />for expansion of the plumbing manufacturing facility located at 5900 Elwin Buchanan Drive in Sanford. <br />The project represents an investment by Zurn Industries of additional space and the relocation of up to <br />an additional 38 jobs to Sanford over the next three years and the retention of 112 current jobs in Lee <br />County. The company will also be required to pledge a $20,000 investment by October 31, 2013. Mr. <br />Heuts also stated he is working with the Governor's office on a $40,000 grant for this project. <br />Chairman Shook opened the public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time. <br />The following spoke in favor of the incentive project: <br />Bob Heuts, Director, Lee County Economic Development Corporation <br />The following spoke in opposition to the incentive project: <br />Keith Clark, 212 Acorn Drive, Sanford <br />Chairman Shook closed the public hearing. <br />Discussion followed but no action was taken. This matter will be voted on at the next regular meeting <br />scheduled for October 17` unless a special meeting is called. <br />County Manager John Crumpton presented a proposed plan for changes to Economic <br />Development and City contracts. Mr. Crumpton stated that he, as instructed by the majority of the <br />Board of Commissioners, has been working on different options for the County to create an internal <br />Economic Development Department. He has also been reviewing options to re- negotiate certain joint <br />agreements with the City of Sanford. The County has forwarded, since June, two letters to the City <br />outlining concerns with several of the joint city /county contracts. A couple of meetings have been held <br />with the City but no formal response has been received in response to the letters. Mr. Crumpton stated <br />Commissioners could consider creating an internal department named Economic and Community <br />Development. The person hired as the department head will be the Economic and Community <br />Development Director. Another option would be to create an Economic Development Director position. <br />
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