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. <br />EXHIBIT 4 <br />H <br />TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />COUNTY OF LEE <br />AND <br />LEE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION <br />DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND INCENTIVES <br />1. The Project: expansion of the manufacturing operations of Zurn Industries, LLC <br />in a facility in Lee County, N.C. The Company will provide a capital investment <br />of at least TWENTY THOUSAND ($20,000) and THIRTY -EIGHT (38) new <br />jobs. <br />2. The Incentive: Estimated costs of the financial incentives for the project are: <br />Job creation at $1,000 per job $38,000.00 <br />Lee County's share <br />$38,000.00 <br />This contract covers the County of Lee's share of the incentives described above. It is <br />anticipated that the incentives will be paid out as follows: <br />An officer of the Company will send a letter of request certifying a number of jobs <br />created and Capital Investment made in Lee County to the LCEDC. The LCEDC will then <br />request payment from Lee County for the requested and verified amount of jobs at a rate of <br />$1,000.00 per job. The company will certify annually for the ensuing three (3) years after the <br />creation of each New Job that the number of New Jobs for which the company has been paid has <br />been maintained. <br />16 of 18 <br />