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400 24 5d 9 <br />EXHIBIT 2 <br />TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />COUNTY OF LEE <br />AND <br />LEE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION <br />PURPOSES AND /OR RESTRICTIONS /CONDITIONS <br />The LCEDC will submit reports to the County as provided in Exhibit 3. <br />2. Payment to the LCEDC will be made upon the written request of the LCEDC and <br />submission of appropriate documents of expenditures. <br />3. Funds paid in accordance with this contract are to be used in accordance with <br />N.C. Gen. Stat. 158 -7.1 and Exhibits 1 and 4 of this contract to help finance the <br />Economic Development Program of the LCEDC in participating in the cost of a <br />manufacturing Project by the Company. <br />4. Because substantially all of the activities of LCEDC are expected to be of the <br />nature that would be held in executive or closed session, the LCEDC shall not be <br />subject to Article 33C of Chapter 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes. <br />5. The project described in Exhibit "4" must be completed in BY October 31, 2013. <br />14 of 18 <br />