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2011 - 10-10-2011 Spec. Meeting
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2011 - 10-10-2011 Spec. Meeting
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acL# 24 r;.1_� 511 <br />all reasonable times and on reasonable notice, access to and the right to <br />inspect, copy, audit, and examine all relevant books, records, and other <br />documents relating to the Grant and the fulfillment of this Agreement <br />throughout the Agreement Period and for a period of six years thereafter. <br />e. If the Company fails to keep and maintain books and records <br />necessary for verifying fulfillment of all terms of this Agreement, or if the <br />Company fails to provide access and the right of inspection of the records <br />to a duly authorized representative of the County or the EDC sufficient to <br />verify compliance with this Agreement, the County or the LCEDC may in <br />its discretion declare the Company to be in default of this Agreement, <br />withhold future payments due under this Agreement and /or require <br />reimbursement of all or any portion of Grant funds previously paid. <br />f Prior to taking the action authorized by paragraph 6.e., a <br />representative of the LCEDC or the County will endeavor to communicate <br />with a representative of the Company to discuss the circumstances and <br />actions being contemplated. <br />g. The LCEDC's obligation to make disbursements to the Company <br />under this Agreement is contingent upon appropriations by the County and <br />the availability of funds for the Grant. <br />h. This Agreement constitutes a legally enforceable contract and shall <br />be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of North Carolina. <br />The parties agree and submit, solely for matters concerning this <br />Agreement, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the North Carolina General <br />Courts of Justice and agree, solely for such purposes, that the only venue <br />for any legal proceedings shall be Lee County, North Carolina. The place <br />of this Agreement, and all transactions and agreements relating to it, and <br />their situs and forum, shall be in Lee County, North Carolina, where all <br />matters, whether sounding in contract or tort, or relating to its validity, <br />construction, interpretation, and enforcement shall be determined. <br />i. The Company shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and <br />local laws and regulations. If the Company fails to comply with any law <br />or regulation applicable to it, the LCEDC or County may, in its sole <br />discretion, terminate the Agreement and declare that no future Grant <br />disbursements shall be due and payable and /or require the Company to <br />reimburse the LCEDC or County all or part of any Grant funds previously <br />disbursed following the date of any such violation. <br />j. Failure of the LCEDC at any time to require performance of any <br />tern or provision of this Agreement shall in no manner affect the rights of <br />the LCEDC at a later date to enforce the same or to enforce any future <br />compliance with or performance of any of the terns or provisions thereof. <br />6ofIS <br />
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