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24 391 <br />0 <br />LE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />AND <br />THE LEE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (LCEDC) <br />WHEREAS, the Lee County Board of Commissioners passed a motion on June 20, 2011, which would <br />end funding of the Lee County Economic Development Corporation and create a new Economic <br />Development Department under County Administration; and <br />WHEREAS, the Lee County Economic Development Corporation has been seeking new alternatives to <br />keep the existing performance contract between the County and EDC in place; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Sanford and Town of Broadway have expressed their desire to keep the <br />existing Economic Development relationship with the County in place; and <br />WHEREAS, the new Lee County Economic Development Corporation, at their October 19` Board <br />meeting, passed the attached resolution agreeing to improved communications with the Lee County <br />Board of Commissioners and staff. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lee County Board of Commissioners agrees to <br />rescind the motion of June 20, 2011, and modify the current contractual agreement with the Lee County <br />Economic Development Corporation as follows: <br />1) The County Board of Commissioners will require that the Lee County Economic Developer <br />and /or Chairman of the LCEDC Board of Directors appear before the Commissioners <br />quarterly (or as needed) in closed session to give an update on economic development <br />efforts including, but not limited to, the number of contacts made by the LCEDC, the number <br />of responses to inquirers made to the LCEDC, a list of all contacts made to the LCEDC, a <br />list of all businesses who make a request for incentive packages from Lee County and any <br />other information that is relevant to the recruitment of industry to the County. <br />2) That the Lee County Manager or his designee be invited to attend all Executive Committee <br />meetings. The LCEDC also agrees to invite and provide notice of all Executive Committee <br />meetings and regular EDC meetings to the Lee County Clerk to the Board so the Clerk can <br />notify Commissioners of all EDC meetings. <br />3) That a copy of all minutes of closed session meetings and regular meetings be delivered to <br />the Lee County Clerk to the Board as soon as they are prepared. In addition, the EDC will <br />attach minutes as backup to all recommendations made to the Lee County Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />4) The LCEDC will follow the County's Incentive Policy when discussing packages with <br />prospective businesses. The LCEDC Director will keep the County Manager informed of all <br />discussions of incentive requests, packages and negotiations. <br />