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2011 - 12-13-2011 Adjourned Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 12-13-2011 Adjourned Reg. Meeting
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0 <br />4r.o� 24 <br />ADDENDUM TO LEASE AGREEMENT <br />This Addendum to Lease Agreement forms and is made a part of that certain Lease <br />Agreement ( "Agreement ") between DI Leasing, Inc. and County of Lee (Inc) <br />( "Lessee ") executed by Lessee on I I 3 , 2011. Capitalized terms used <br />herein but not defined herein will have the same meaning given to them in the <br />Agreement. <br />With regards to Section (s): <br />DOCUMENTATION FEE: <br />• This section is deleted in its entirety. <br />PERSONAL GUARANTY: <br />This section is deleted in its entirety. <br />6. TAXES: <br />• The final sentence of the section, which reads: "You will indemnify us for any loss in our <br />after tax economic yields caused by your acts or failure to act' is deleted. <br />9. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES: <br />• The third sentence is amended to read as follows: "in the event of a dispute arising out of <br />this Lease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its reasonable collection costs and <br />attorney fees and costs incurred in enforcing or defending this Lease." <br />10. FINANCE LEASE STATUS: <br />• The following language is added as an additional sentence at the end of the section: <br />"The foregoing waiver does not restrict any right or remedies that you have against the <br />supplier or manufacturer of the Equipment." <br />12. INDEMNIFICATION: <br />• The following language is inserted at the end of the first and second sentence, ", except <br />for any Claims caused by our gross negligence or willful misconduct." <br />All other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full <br />force and effect. All handwritten, typed or 'red- lined" additions and /or deletions on <br />the Agreement are null and void and of no force or effect. The changes contained in <br />this Addendum shall apply to only the Agreement to which if is incorporated and is not <br />a precedent for future lease transactions. <br />IN WITNESS WHERE f, the parties hereto have executed this Addendum to Lease <br />Agreement on , 2011. <br />DDI Leasing, Inc. <br />County f Lee (Inc) <br />iBY_" <br />��� <br />f <br />%rTlfleS# aaia <br />0 <br />Title: <br />C:\Documents And Settings\Kedwards\ Desk top \Newsandocs2 \TSM03438NE -QL- Addendum To Lease.Doc <br />
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