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1982 - 03-01-82 Regular Meeting
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1982 - 03-01-82 Regular Meeting
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5/4/2009 2:20:57 PM
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5/4/2009 2:20:11 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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Soap 10 Pjm 391 <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the sum of $25. 00 <br />be appropriated and paid to the North Carolina Association of County Commiss- <br />ioners as payment on counsel fees in the litigation brought by various railroads <br />challenging the level of taxation of their property in 1980. The County Attorney <br />reported that a similar suit had been brought in Federal. District Court by several <br />motor freight carriers. A meeting on this litigation will be held at the offices of <br />the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners on Wednesday, March 3, <br />1982, at 11:00 o'clock a, m. Commissioner Funderburke seconded the motion and it <br />was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Donn Gunderson, Director of Social Services, appeared <br />before the Board relative to the re-location of the mobile home from the Sheriff's <br />Department to the area of the Department of Social Services building. Present <br />zoning regulations of the City of Sanford would allow only a temporary use permit <br />for up to six months which may be extended by the Aldermen for an additional six <br />months period;however, at the end of that twelve months period, the mobile home <br />would have to be removed. Mr. Gunderson reviewed with the Board the costs of <br />other quarters and the Board directed that the mobile home not be moved at the <br />present time until further investigation could be made into the matter. <br />The Board next discussed the Transportation Policy Committee. <br />After discussion and with the view that the Transportation Policy Committee would <br />look at the total involvement of the County in the funding of transportation. Comm- <br />issioner John E. Dotterer moved the adoption of the resolution forming the Lee <br />County Transportation Policy Committee, a copy of which resolution is attached to <br />these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Commissioner Lila P. <br />Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next considered the Ambulance Service Procedure <br />Policy as drafted by the Ambulance Advisory Committee. After review and dis- <br />cussion by the Board, Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the Ambulance <br />Service Procedure Policy, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference <br />made a part hereof, be adopted as the official policy of Lee County with respect to <br />Ambulance Service. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The County Manager reported to the Board that they had been invited <br />to tour the grammar schools on Wednesday, March 17, 1982 and Wednesday, March <br />31, 1982. This tour will be made in conjunction with the Board of Education. <br />The Chairman next called upon the Clerk to report on the matter <br />of the resignation of H. R. Thomas as Sheriff of Lee County. The Clerk read to <br />the Board the resignation of Mr. Thomas, a copy of which is attached to these <br />minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. The Clerk reported that the <br />resignation was received at 10:15 o'clock a, m. on Thursday, February 25, 1982, and <br />had been delivered pursuant to the authority set out in North Carolina General Statute <br />162-3. <br />
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