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00 1.0 s~ 436 <br />the motion made by Commissioner Dotterer and upon a vote it was unanimously <br />adopted. The Chairman scheduled the work session on the budget for Thursday, <br />June 7:30 p.m. in the Commissioners Room. <br />Mr. Leonard Barefoot, County Planner, appeared before the Board <br />to discuss the appointments to the Local Waste Management Board. After <br />some discussion Commissioner Dotterer made a motion that the board be <br />enlarged to have 1 representative from the environmental interest group, <br />1 representative from the industrial interest group, 1 representative <br />from the agricultural interest group and 4 members at large and that <br />the, resolution creating this board be amended to specify that the at <br />large members serve terms as follows: one member will serve an initial <br />one year term, two members shall serve an initial two year term. and one <br />member shall serve an initial three year term. Commissioner Funderburke <br />seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted. <br />The'Board next proceeded to make appointments to the.Local <br />Waste Management Board from the three interest groups as follows: <br />Mr. Charles Oldham, Environment, 3-year term <br />Mr. George McRae, Industrial, 3-year term <br />Mr. Tom Poe, Agriculture, 1-year term <br />Commissioner Nielsen made a motion to appoint the above <br />members which was seconded by Commissioner Dotterer and unanimously <br />adopted. <br />The Board next considered a 180-day moratorium as 'presented <br />by Leonard Barefoot. Mr. Barefoot explained to the Board that the <br />previous 180-day moratorium on hazardous waste had expired and that <br />a new one should be adopted. Commissioner Nielsen made a motion to <br />adopt the new moratorium which was seconded by Commissioner Dotterer <br />and unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Donn Gunderson, Social Services Director, presented his <br />comparison study of the two bids received on the telephone system for <br />the Department of Social Services. After some discussion, Commissioner <br />Dotterer made a motion to accept the bid from Heins Telephone Company, <br />seconded by Commissioner Funderburke. Commissioners Harmon, Nielsen, <br />Dotterer, and Funderburke voted for it and Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />voted against it. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan appeared before the Board to discuss the,water- <br />line extension requests that.have been previously forwarded to the county. <br />After some discussion, Commissioner Wicker moved that the unused grant funds <br />for the Cox-Maddox Road.Waterline Project be used,to extend some of the <br />requested waterlines. Mr.. Wicker's motion died for lack of a second. <br />After further discussion of the unused grant funds, Commissioner <br />Dotterer moved that these funds be returned to the Department of Natural <br />Resources and Community Development. The motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Nielsen. Commissioners Harmon, Nielsen, Dotterer, and Funderburke voted <br />for it and Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker voted against it. <br />