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~MN 10 (r..~E 465 <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Wicker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Nielsen, Mr. Earl Sloan, Jr., was reappointed to the Planning Board for <br />another three-year term, which motion was unanimously adopted. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Funderburke, seconded by Commissioner <br />Dotterer, Mr..Douglas Johnson and Mr. William McNeill were both reappointed <br />to the Recreation Commission for a three-year term, which motion was unani- <br />mously adopted. <br />The Board next considered appointments to the newly-created <br />Local Waste Management Board from the list of recommendations from the <br />Planning Board. Since the three interest group appointments had-been <br />made at an earlier meeting, the-Board needed to select four at-large <br />members. The Board elected to use the ballot procedure for selecting <br />the appointees to this Board. The ballots were tabulated by the County <br />Manager and the following persons were appointed: <br />Mr. <br />Paul Barringer <br />1 <br />year <br />term <br />Mr. <br />Boyce Cox <br />2 <br />year <br />term <br />Mr. <br />Charles Alexander <br />2 <br />year <br />term <br />Mrs. <br />Jackie Pearce <br />3 <br />year <br />term <br />The Board also discussed the ex-officio members on the Local <br />Waste Managment Board. It was decided that Chairman Harmon would serve <br />as the Board of Commissioners representative. The Planning" Board had <br />selected Mr. Johnny Stone to serve as their representative and Mr. Leonard <br />Barefoot,.County Planner, will serve as the third ex-officio member. <br />Commissioner Nielsen had to leave the meeting at this time. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan, Grants Administrator, introduced to the <br />Board two representatives from Kennametal who will soon be locating in _ <br />the Lee County Industrial Park. They were Mr. W.L. Gregory and Mr. Shawn <br />Hall. The Chairman welcomed the representatives to Lee County and wished <br />them every success. <br />Mr. Buchanan presented a resolution to establish just compensation <br />for a corral and shed owned by Lewis & Dan Lawrence located in the San-Lee <br />Heights Community Development Project Area in the amount of 42,300.00 as <br />the fair market value. Commissioner Dotterer made a motion to approve this. <br />resolution, seconded by Commissioner Funderburke, which motion was unanimously <br />adopted. <br />Mr. Buchanan also presented a change order in the amount of $1,600 <br />for'Bracken & Associates on the Deep River Waterline Project. Commissioner <br />Funderburke made a motion to approve this change order, seconded by Commissioner <br />Dotterer, which motion was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next discussed briefly the Cable TV Franchise with Cass <br />Cable TV. Commissioner Dotterer moved that the recent additions and changes <br />proposed by Cass Cable TV be approved, seconded :by .Commissione r Funderburke, <br />which motion was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Harvey Faulk appeared before the Board to discuss the problems <br />he has been experiencing with dogs killing his livestock. After some discussion, <br />the Chairman reminded Mr. Faulk that the county has recently adopted an Animal <br />Control Ordinance and that the Dog Warden will be assuming full-time duties <br />