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?oR 10 , ; 519 <br />The Board next considered a resolution establishing just compensation <br />for 1.20 acres for property in the San-Lee Heights Community Development Area <br />belonging to Mr. Lewis Bland in the amount of $5,300. After some discussion, <br />Commissioner Wicker made a motion to approve this resolution, seconded by <br />Commissioner Dotterer and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. A copy of <br />the resolution and a map of the property is attached to these minutes and by <br />this reference made a part hereof. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan, Grants Administrator presented two change orders <br />for the Board's consideration. Change Order #2, in the amount of 52,485.54, <br />to J.C. Johnson's contract on the Deep River Waterline, and Change Order #3, <br />in the amount of $6411.96, to J.C. Johnson's contract on the Deep River Waterline- <br />SR #1429 Addition, was approved upon motion of Commissioner Nielsen, seconded by <br />Commissioner Funderburke, and upon a vote was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr.. Buchanan also presented a Budget Ordinance for the ADAP #64-349-05 <br />Project. Upon motion by Commissioner Funderburke, seconded by Commission Dotterer, <br />the motion was unanimously adopted upon a vote. A copy of the Budget Ordinance <br />is attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. <br />The Board next opened bids for the rebuilding of a refuse truck for <br />the Sanitatation Department. Mr. Bobby Johnson, Landfill Supervisor took the <br />bids to review them and report back to the Board with his recommendation later <br />in the meeting. A bid tabulation sheet is attached. <br />Mr. Donn Gunderson, Director of Social Services, appeared before the <br />Board to request that they consider adopting a fee schedule for services per- <br />formed for Non-AFDC recipients. After some discussion, Commissioner Nielsen <br />moved that the attached fee schedule be approved, which motion was seconded by <br />Commissioner Wicker, and unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />Commissioner Nielsen requested that the Board consider approving the <br />use of office space at the old hospital for the Mission Center. Commissioner <br />Funderburke moved that this request be approved, seconded by Commissioner Dotterer. <br />Commissioners Harmon, Nielsen, Funderburke and Dotterer voted for the motion and <br />Commissioner Wicker voted against the motion. <br />The County Manager presented Budget Amendment #82080201. Commissioner <br />Dotterer made a motion to approve the budget amendment, which was seconded by <br />Commissioner Funderburke, and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The County Manager requested authorization from the Board to begin <br />the procedure for the sale of some surplus equipment now owned by the County. <br />Commissioner Wicker moved that this request be approved, which motion was <br />seconded by Commissioner Funderburke, and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The roster for the Cape Fear Fire Department was certified by the <br />Board upon motion of Commissioner Funderburke, seconded by Commissioner Nielsen <br />and upon a vote was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Dotterer moved that the Board adopt a resolution honoring <br />Mrs. Louise Talley who has retired as Clerk to the Board of Elections. Commissioner <br />Nielsen seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />