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1982 - 12-20-82 Regular Meeting
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1982 - 12-20-82 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
5/4/2009 8:01:08 AM
Creation date
5/4/2009 8:00:20 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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21 <br />The Lemon Springs Fire Department presented a request for <br />financial assistance under the terms of the resolution recently adopted by the <br />Board of Commissioners. The Chairman directed that this request be referred <br />to Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker for the Fire Commission's inspection of <br />the Lemon Springs Fire Department and its equipment. The Board observed a <br />short recess. When the Board re-convened, following its recess, Commissioner <br />Jerry Almond moved that the request of the Lemon Springs Fire Department <br />for $2, 500. 00 in financial assistance, be approved for payment, subject to a <br />favorable report by the Fire Commission, upon its investigation. Commiss- <br />ioner Bertha L. Matthews seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unani- <br />mously adopted. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan, Grants Director, returned to the Board <br />and reported that on the Deep River School Water Line (SR # 1466 Addition) <br />project, that the bid of J. C. Johnson Construction Company in the amount of <br />$38, 135. 00, was low and he recommended acceptance of that bid. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker moved that the low bid of J. C. Johnson Construction Company <br />in the amount of $38, 135. 00, for the Deep River School Water Line (SR #1466 <br />Addition) project, be accepted. Commissioner Jerry Almond seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. Mr. Buchanan reported <br />to the Board that on the Lemon Springs Road, Cox-Maddox Road and Colon <br />Post Office Road project, that the bid of J. C. Johnson Construction Company <br />in the amount of $87, 245. 00, was the low bid and he recommended acceptance <br />of that bid. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the low bid of J. C. <br />Johnson Construction Company, in the amount of $87, 245. 00, be accepted for the <br />work on the Lemon Springs- Road, Cox-Maddox Road and Colon Post Office Road <br />project. Commissioner Jerry Almond seconded the motion and upon a vote it was <br />unanimously adopted. Mr. Buchanan reported that on the extension of the water <br />line to the homes between the railroad at Colon project, that the low bid of Richie <br />Construction Company in the amount of $18, 970. 00, was low and he recommended <br />that the bid be accepted, subject to HUD approval of the contractor. Commission- <br />er John R. Dossenbach, Jr. , moved that the low bid of Richie Construction Company <br />in the amount of $18, 970. 00 for the Colon project, be accepted, subject to receipt <br />of approval by HUD as to the contractor, Commissioner Gordon A, Wicker second- <br />ed the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. Mr. Buchanan reported <br />that the low bid for asphalt paving at San-Lee Park, was the bid of Lee Paving <br />Company, at $10. 35 per square yard, and he recommended approval of that bid. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. , moved that the low bid of Lee Paving <br />Company, in the amount of $10. 35 per square yard for paving at the San-Lee Park, <br />be approved. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board discussed the vacancy that had occurred on the Board <br />of Directors of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, which <br />would be filled by a representative from this district. Commissioner Jerry Almond <br />moved that the Board nominate Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. , for this <br />vacancy. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it <br />was unanimously adopted. <br />
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