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0 <br />9~oK 11 r~sr 46 <br />pack and that a kennel tax should be levied for more than three dogs and that <br />they did not want hunting dogs to wear a tag that held down as it might trap the <br />dog in a fence, and that they would like to meet with the Commissioners at a <br />night session to review the Animal Control Ordinance. It was directed that <br />the group be furnished with a copy of the Animal Control Ordinance and that <br />the County Manager give them a place on the agenda for the next meeting of <br />the Board. <br />Commissioner Wicker stated that he did not have any road <br />petitions; however he was receiving numerous inquiries concerning the project <br />for naming the streets in the County. Further, he asked the County Manager <br />to make it clear to the Highway Division that the Board felt that nothing less <br />than a stop light would adversely control the traffic at the intersection of N. C. <br />78 and Courtland Drive. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the <br />Board adopt a resolution, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this <br />reference made a part hereof, requesting Oakwood Street in the San-Lee <br />Heights Section to the State System of Maintained Roads. Commissioner Jerry <br />M. Almond seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board was advised that the Clerk had published a notice <br />of a public hearing regarding the Industrial Revenue Bonds for the Kennametal <br />Inc. Project, for 9:45 o'clock a. m. , on February 7th, 1983. The Chairman <br />noted that the time had arrived for the hearing and that the Board should next <br />consider that matter. <br />