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5ooK 11 pnr 95 <br />RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE CONTINUATION OF GENERAL REVENUE SHARING <br />WHEREAS, the State and Local Government Fiscal Assistance Act <br />of 1972, as amended (General Revenue Sharing Act) will expire on September <br />30, 1983; and <br />WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that there is much debate in <br />Congress as to whether to continue this appropriation in its present <br />form beyond its current authorization; and <br />WHEREAS, through March 31, 1983, the County of Lee has received <br />a total of $4,734,416 in General Revenue Sharing funds; and <br />WHEREAS, in the County of Lee these funds have been expended <br />to the benefit of the citizens through such programs as: School Construction, <br />Landfill Equipment, Law Enforcement Vehicles; and <br />WHEREAS, if the County-of Lee had to raise this amount of money <br />in support of these services the ad valorem tax rate would have to be <br />increased by 5Q per $100; and <br />WHEREAS, the General Revenue Sharing Program has the lowest <br />administrative costs of any of the federal assistance programs, and <br />provides counties much needed flexibility in delivering locally-determined <br />services and programs; and <br />WHEREAS, this Board feels that the General Revenue Sharing <br />Program should be continued in its present form, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners <br />for the County of Lee as follows: <br />1. That this Board hereby endorses the continuation of the <br />State and Local Government Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972. <br />2. That copies of this resolution shall be sent to The <br />Honorable Jesse Helms and The Honorable John P. East, <br />United States Senators; and to all North Carolina <br />members of the U.S. House of Representatives. <br />3. That this resolution shall be effective upon its adoption. <br />Adopted this 21st day of March, 1983. <br />J n E. Dotterer, Chairman <br />K.R. Hoyle e NORTH CAROLINA. LEE COUNTY' <br />Presented re6istration on the..... [1-- day <br />.190 at07 M' <br />of._..._.._ . - <br />recorded - Booi(__.-{../_-pa€ a -•s--+ <br />Pattie W. M,Gilvary, Register of Deeds <br />