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other capital items. There are several roof replacements included in the FY 2021 budget including <br /> three sections at the Lee County Government Center. The remaining increase of$40,225 is <br /> spread over several operating line items including maintenance for vehicles, grounds, and pool. <br /> The decrease for economic development is due to the decrease in obligations for incentives for <br /> FY 20-21, and the reduction in interest for a second spec building. The interest or lease cost has <br /> been reduced due to the proposed timing for the building to be ready. For Central Carolina <br /> Community College, the requested increase is broken down by campus. The recommended <br /> budget for the Main Campus is $59,224 for a projected pay increase for staff members and <br /> increased costs for employee benefits. For ESTC the increase was $12,039 for adding a <br /> contracted security officer. The increase for the Center for Workforce Innovation is $37,869 for <br /> reallocation of a full-time custodian. CCCC requested the full annual amount that the County <br /> committed for four years in FY 20-21 for the Lee Promise Program. Based on the growth in the <br /> program $160,000 is recommended instead of the full$250,000. The requested increase for the <br /> Library is $64,691, $52,549 of which is attributable to salaries and benefits. Approximately <br /> $10,000 of the increase is in temporary salaries. The increase is to have additional part-time staff <br /> due to an increased demand for programs. The remaining increase is due to the pay plan, COLA <br /> and retirement rate increase. The remaining $12,142 increase is spread among various operating <br /> expense line items. The recommended Parks and Recreation budget shows an increase of <br /> $57,301, $55,000 is attributable to funding for a comprehensive master plan. The current plan <br /> has expired. The County must have a current master plan to apply for PARTF grant funding. The <br /> effect of the COLA, pay plan adjustments and retirement rate adjustment have been absorbed in <br /> this department by a reduction in temporary salaries due to decreased programming because of <br /> COVID-19. <br /> Health Department Director Heath Cain presented information about the impact of COVID-19 on <br /> the Health Department. A new nurse was hired last Tuesday and another one is starting <br /> tomorrow. Someone has been on call every weekend since the 1st of April. The Public Health <br /> Preparedness position has been added to the Nursing Program. This position was moved <br /> because it is closely related to nursing and it is a help to the program. Environmental Health is still <br /> pushing out the information to congregate care facilities. Having relationships with the State, UNC <br /> and Piedmont Health has been very helpful. There are about a little less than 100 people <br /> registered for the Community Testing Event tomorrow. <br /> Dr. Crumpton explained that the new library was proposed as two different project options in <br /> the Capital Improvement Plan. One option included a combined facility at CCCC with a library <br /> and classroom for Lee Early College. The other option is a separate library with the Lee Early <br /> College space. Some of the funds for this project are in the Library's Budget and some are in <br /> the Community College's budget. Revenues and interest rates will be monitored if the Board is <br /> interested in taking advantage of saving opportunities available in lending. <br /> Dr. Crumpton ended the discussion providing the Board with a brief update on projects that will <br /> continue impacting the budget in FY 2021 including the Courthouse and Government Center <br /> reservations and park updates at Horton, OT Sloan, Kiwanis Family and Temple Parks. <br /> expenditure analysis for worksession.pdf <br /> ADJOURN <br /> 2 <br />