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( <br />M <br />3,~ <br />BOOK 11 rrs 122 <br />a. Name and address of prospective owner. <br />b. Owner's experience with animals especially <br />wild animals, particularly the species in the application. <br />In the case of an inexperienced owner, there must be included <br />the names and addresses of any manager, keeper, or husbandry <br />expert upon which the owner will rely for guidance. <br />C. History of the background of the owner, keeper, <br />or husbandry expert including a record of all animal escapes <br />and recapture of animals under their control as well as actions <br />taken to correct conditions which allowed the escapes. <br />d. Any relevant personal history of the owner, <br />operator, manager, and employees. <br />® e. Species, size, and other identifying characteristics <br />of each wild or vicious animal the applicant desires to keep. <br />f. The birthplace of each animal and history of <br />each animal including whether the animal has ever harmed any <br />human being, including all medical history including immuniza- <br />tions, <br />g. Description of the nature, size, type of constuction <br />and location of any enclosure in which the applicant intends to <br />keep said wild or vicious animal. <br />h. Description of the liability insurance carried <br />by the owner to compensate persons for personal injury and <br />property damage which may result. A copy of the current policy <br />shall be attached to the application. <br />i. Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all <br />l <br />persons residing within one mile of the proposed location for <br />(3) <br />