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0 <br />31 <br />• <br />noK 11 pArF 121 <br />animals or training. Each person, firm, or corporation <br />keeping any wild or vicious animal shall construct a secondary <br />enclosure which shall surround or encompass all primary <br />enclosures where such animals are kept. This secondary enclo- <br />sure will be constructed and maintained according to the stan- <br />dard specified in the appendix depending on the animals kept. <br />e. Wild or Vicious Animal - All non-indigenous <br />carnivores, primates, poisonous snakes, or other venomous <br />animals, elephants, and rhinoceroses. <br />f. Double Safety Doors - Doors so constructed that <br />the exterior door must be closed before the interior door can <br />be opened. <br />Section 2. Primary and Secondary Enclosure Required. <br />• No person, firm, or corporation shall keep, shelter, feed, harbor <br />t <br />or take care of any wild or vicious animal within Lee County <br />unless all such animals be confined continuously within a secure <br />and locked primary enclosure which is situated within a secondary <br />enclosure except while being transported. Each enclosure shall <br />be constructed to standard specified for keeping each type of <br />animal as identified in Appendix A of this ordinance. <br />Section 3. Permit Required. As a condition precedent <br />to the keeping, sheltering, or harboring of any wild or vicious <br />animal a prospective owner shall make written application for <br />and receive from the Lee County Animal Control Officer, a permit <br />and authorization to keep any such animal. Said application shall <br />contain at least the following: <br />(2) <br />