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referendum in the County and to take all necessary steps to that end in accordance with the <br /> provisions of this section. <br /> Section 3. The Clerk to the Board of Commissioners shall cause a notice of bond <br /> referendum to be published in The Sanford Herald once at least fourteen days before October 9, <br /> 2020 (being the 25th day prior to said bond referendum), and once again not less than seven days <br /> before said day, such notice to read substantially as follows: <br /> NOTICE OF BOND REFERENDUM <br /> COUNTY OF LEE, NORTH CAROLINA <br /> A bond referendum will be held in the County of Lee, North Carolina on Tuesday, <br /> November 3, 2020 regarding the approval of not to exceed $25,000,000 PARKS AND <br /> RECREATION BONDS of said County. The proceeds of said parks and recreation bonds would <br /> be used to acquire, construct, expand and improve various parks and recreational facilities for <br /> said County, including, without limitation, a multi-sport complex and any related land, rights of <br /> way and equipment, all as set forth in the bond order adopted by the Board of Commissioners for <br /> said County on July 20, 2020. If said parks and recreation bonds are issued, taxes in an amount <br /> sufficient to pay the principal and interest thereof may be levied upon all taxable property in the <br /> County of Lee, North Carolina. <br /> The referendum will be conducted by the Lee County Board of Elections. The last day <br /> for new registration of those not now registered to vote is Friday, October 9, 2020. For further <br /> information and questions regarding said referendum, voter registration, procedures for those <br /> residents who have changed residences from the date of the last election, voting by absentee <br /> ballot, one stop voting and polling places, please contact the Lee County Board of Elections, 225 <br /> S. Steele Street, Sanford, North Carolina 27330, (919) 718-4646. The Lee County Board of <br /> Elections' website is <br /> 3 <br />