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1, CAO <br /> EMERGENCY MEETING OF THE <br /> LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 106 HILLCREST DRIVE <br /> SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27330 <br /> MARCH 13, 2020 <br /> The emergency meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee, State of <br /> North Carolina, convened at 11:00 A.M. in the Gordon Wicker Room, Lee County Government <br /> Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. Commissioners present when <br /> the meeting was called to order were Amy M. Dalrymple, Arianna M. Del Palazzo, Dr. Andre <br /> Knecht, Cameron W. Sharpe and Kirk D. Smith. Commissioners Kevin Dodson and Robert Reives <br /> were absent. Staff in attendance included County Manager John Crumpton, Community and <br /> Governmental Relations Manager Jamie Brown and Deputy County Attorney/Clerk to the Board <br /> Jennifer Gamble. <br /> I. CALL TO ORDER <br /> Chair Dalrymple called the meeting to order. <br /> II. COUNTY RESPONSE TO COVID-19 <br /> County Manager John Crumpton stated that due to the events being reported related to the <br /> Coronavirus, he wanted to discuss County preparedness plans prior to Monday to have some <br /> plans in place in an attempt to limit public exposure and spread of the virus. Health Department <br /> Director Heath Cain along with nurses from the Health Department provided that there is currently <br /> a pandemic flu plan in place that the County put in place in 2014 that fits situations like this and will <br /> be updated periodically to fit the County's needs. The Health Department is fielding calls and <br /> putting up education information along with a website link to the North Carolina Department of <br /> Health and Human Services and the Center for Disease Control. The Health Department is <br /> screening multiple calls a day using State criteria that is set by the State to field testing. Labcorp <br /> and Quest, which are privately owned testing companies, have been approved to do testing. They <br /> notify the Health Department with paperwork that they are testing and have to quarantine patients <br /> to home until test results are received. <br /> The County Manager made the decision to end out of county travel, especially overnight <br /> travel, and day travel will be considered on a case by case basis. Tony Williams with <br /> Environmental Health stated that they are reaching out to childcare facilities, nursing homes, and <br /> schools to share information from the State on what they should be doing and to advise regarding <br /> proactive measures they should be taking. When someone tests positive, they do a contact tracing <br /> and ask those that they come into contact with to monitor their symptoms for 14 days and if they <br /> become symptomatic to self isolate. <br /> The County Manager discussed County facility operations. Due to the mandatory functions <br /> operated by the Department of Social Services and the Health Departments, these departments <br /> will operate as usual while trying to limit sick exposure. He stated that the Sheriff's Office is working <br /> with pretrial release and the District Attorney to try to limit the number of people in the jail. People <br /> entering the jail are being screened. The recommendation is to cease library personnel from <br /> P - 1 13 <br />