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1-23-2020 Joint Meeting Between the Board of Commissioners, SAGA Executive Committee, Sanford City Council, and Broadway Town Commissioners 1-23-20
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1-23-2020 Joint Meeting Between the Board of Commissioners, SAGA Executive Committee, Sanford City Council, and Broadway Town Commissioners 1-23-20
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6/23/2020 9:06:35 AM
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6/23/2020 9:04:19 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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a safe environment for the flying public to maintain, enhance, and protect public investment made in <br /> the airport and to take advantage of opportunities for growth and support of economic development <br /> in the region. Today's investment at the airport is in excess of$35 million. 50 people work at the <br /> airport on a daily basis. Upgrades include a rebuild of the runway in 2013, 30 new t hangers in 2017, <br /> taxi expansion from 35-50 feet, and a new terminal building with a 14,500 square foot facility. The <br /> airport has been working on an airport master plan to target future growth needs. <br /> Michael Smith, CEO of the Sanford Area Growth Alliance provided an update regarding SAGA's <br /> activities. Over the last five years SAGA has spent time building the organization, private capital, <br /> putting a great team in place, establishing policies and reestablishing the connectivity with Raleigh and <br /> the Economic Development Partnership of NC and the NC Department of Commerce. Marketing efforts <br /> include ads and publications on and through DCI along with a Triangle Business Journal <br /> insert. Public-private partnerships such as that which occurred with the shell building project and <br /> within Central Carolina Enterprise Park have been a huge success. The success of economic <br /> development projects is dependent on incentives and if a location and state are not competitive with <br /> incentives, we would not be able to attract the jobs we have. The number one story of 2019 in the <br /> Sanford Herald was the story of the "2019 Economic Development Boom Strikes Lee County." <br /> Convergent Nonprofit Solutions conducted a study to help determine where SAGA needs to be. Meg <br /> Moss is doing a great job with the Chamber of Commerce and fostering entrepreneurship in downtown <br /> Sanford. Mr. Smith also explained that incentives are performance based thus a company has to make <br /> a certain investment whether it be in building, upfitting a building, or machinery and equipment and <br /> create jobs at a certain wage level and pay at least 50%of employee health benefits to qualify. <br /> Mayor Donald Andrews from the Town of Broadway stated the town is searching for a new <br /> manager. He also mentioned there were 20 new jobs coming to Broadway in addition to increased <br /> residential growth. <br /> Mayor Chet Mann from the City of Sanford stated that Sanford experienced one of its best <br /> years in history in 2019. There was a huge change in tax base expansion. He stated that there were <br /> four primary goals with the "Open for Business Agenda" which includes working to creating a <br /> destination Sanford, continuing to support SAGA to create jobs, continuing quality of life initiatives, <br /> and continuing to work on things that create community pride. DFI, the Development and Finance <br /> Institute, performed a study that determined over 50% of the area in East Sanford is distressed. The <br /> neighborhood population is growing at least three times the rate of anywhere else in Sanford. The <br /> fastest growing population is families with young kids and people over the age of 55. Nearly one of <br /> four households is severely cost burdened especially with extremely low income renters. The key issue <br /> is under supply of housing. There is more than five times the demand than there is supply. To work on <br /> rehabilitating the area the City is planning to work with the County to collaborate and invest in creating <br /> valuable space in Temple Park. The hope is that the opportunity zone will attract development and <br /> 2 <br />
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