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Motion: Motion to approve the mural and move forward with the revisions to <br />make Dr. Margaret McLeod's portrait more predominant. <br />Mover: Robert Reives <br />For: 7 - Amy Dalrymple, Kevin Dodson, Arianna Del Palazzo, Dr. Andre <br />Knecht, Robert Reives, Cameron Sharpe, Kirk Smith <br />Motion Result: Passed <br />IV.B Vote on an economic development incentive grant for Project Jupiter <br />Project Jupiter is a biotechnology company focused on gene therapy treatments. The <br />Company is interested in locating in Lee County to operate a manufacturing site. The <br />Company intends to invest at least $126,000,000 over the seven-year life span of the <br />incentive agreement, with the County paying up to $3,125,854. The cash grant incentive <br />will be based on performance criteria the Company must meet in order to receive such <br />incentive and will be factored by the amount of reported net new taxable investment made <br />by the project. The Company also plans to employ 196 new full-time employees with <br />benefits and an average annual wage of $88,903. <br />Exhibit A Jupiter 12.12.19.xlsx <br />Exhibit B.docx <br />Project Jupiter Contract Draft 12-6-19.docx <br />Motion: Motion to approve the incentive grant agreement for Project Jupiter <br />contingent on the company choosing to locate in Lee County and authorize staff <br />to finalize the agreement with the Company's name and the Chair to execute the <br />agreement once the Company provides an official announcement. <br />Mover: Cameron Sharpe <br />For: 4 - Amy Dalrymple, Kevin Dodson, Robert Reives, Cameron Sharpe <br />Against: 3 - Kirk Smith, Arianna Del Palazzo, Dr. Andre Knecht <br />Motion Result: Passed <br />V. NEW BUSINESS <br />V.A FY 2020-21 Budget Procedure Calendar <br />Each year a budget procedure calendar is developed to serve as a guideline for the <br />budget process. The calendar may be subject to change especially in regard to any budget <br />work sessions the Commissioners decide to hold. Budgets are due from County <br />departments by March 9rh and from non -County organizations by March 25.. The public <br />hearing will be scheduled for June 1, 2020. The budget will be adopted before June 30, <br />2020. <br />2020-21 Budget Calendar.pdf <br />Motion: Motion to adopt the FY 2020 budget procedure calendar as presented. <br />Mover: Kirk Smith <br />For: 7 - Amy Dalrymple, Kevin Dodson, Arianna Del Palazzo, Dr. Andre <br />Knecht, Robert Reives, Cameron Sharpe, Kirk Smith Motion Result: Passed <br />