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LEE COUNTY <br /> Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br /> ARCHERY GRANT FORM <br /> Date: 11.18.19 <br /> I, John Crumpton, under my authority as County Manager and on behalf of Lee County <br /> Government, hereby accept property as described below for the purpose of contributing to and <br /> furthering the programs offered by the Lee County Parks and Recreation Department. The County <br /> accepts the grant of the archery equipment and training of two of the county staff employees in <br /> exchange for no monetary consideration on behalf of the County. The County will, in make a good faith <br /> effort to provide an archery program for its citizens, but will have no further obligations to the donor <br /> (USA Archery) if the program has to be discontinued for any reason. If either of the trained employees <br /> leave employment, for any reason, with the county, the county will have no further obligation to train <br /> any other employees as consideration under this grant. <br /> Description of property: Archery Equipment-USA Archery Explore Archery Grant <br /> -" = -- (Signature) <br /> Grantor Information: <br /> Name: Callie Grieser <br /> Address: 4065 Sinton Road, Suite 110 Colorado Springs, CO 80907 <br /> Grantor Signature: <br /> ** Grantor should consult with a tax professional about the tax implications of this donation under state <br /> and federal law. This form does not guarantee the Grantor's ability to donate the property for the <br /> purpose of using the donation as a tax deductible item. <br />