;n 11 c 1.43
<br />OF
<br />FOR
<br />
<br />Monday,^•JuneJ•6th,,r1983^ T..^'^ fTr^,TmT
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<br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County
<br />of Lee, State of North Carolina, convened at 9:30 o'clock a. m., on Monday, June
<br />6th, 1983, in the Commissioners Room, on the second floor of the County Office
<br />Building, 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina. Those present were Comm-
<br />issioners Jerry M. Almond, John R. Dossenbach, Jr., John E. Dotterer, Bertha L.
<br />Matthews, and Gordon A. Wicker. Chairman Dotterer declared a quorum present
<br />and the meeting open for the transaction of business.
<br />Chairman John E. Dotterer presided and the following business was
<br />transacted:
<br />The invocation was given by the Reverend Frank. Wilkins on, Pastor
<br />of White Hill Presbyterian Church.
<br />The minutes of the regular meeting held on May 16, 1983, were
<br />approved and ordered recorded, upon motion made by Commissioner John R.
<br />Dossenbach, Jr., seconded by Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews, which motion
<br />was unanimously adopted upon a vote.
<br />Petitions pertaining to certain roads in Westlake Valley, were pre-
<br />sented to the Board and the County Manager was requested to forward a letter to the
<br />Department of Transportation concerning these roads.
<br />Mr. Frank Lewis, a representative of Moore, Gardner & Associates,
<br />appeared before the Board and reviewed the credentials of his firm.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews, seconded by
<br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. , which motion was unanimously adopted, it
<br />was resolved to go into executive. session to discuss pending litigation and matters
<br />pertaining to real estate. Following the discussion of these matters, Commissioner
<br />John R. Dos senbach, Jr., moved that the executive session be closed, and the
<br />Board resume its public session. Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews seconded the
<br />motion and upon a vote the motion was unanimously adopted.
<br />The Board next considered the items listed upon its Consent Agenda.
<br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, 'Jr. , moved that the following items on the Consent
<br />Agenda be approved, namely:
<br />