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?o o, 11 2C <br />Commissioner Almond brought up for discussion, the filling <br />of a term on the Library Board, in advance. This matter was discussed but <br />no action taken. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Inspections <br />office be made a separate independent department of the county activities to <br />report directly to the County Manager. Commissioner Jerry M. Almond <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote, Commissioner Jerry M. Almond and <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker voted for the motion and Commissioners <br />Dossenbach, Matthews and Dotterer voted against it. The Chairman declared <br />that the motion was defeated. <br />The meeting recessed for lunch, to re-convene at 1:30 o'clock <br />p. m. <br />The meeting re-convened at 1:37 o'clock p, m. , with all <br />Commissioners present except Commissioner Jerry M. Almond. Chairman <br />John E. Dotterer presided. <br />The County Manager reported that there would be a joint <br />meeting with the Board of Aldermen of the City of Sanford, at 6:30 o'clock p.m. , <br />on Monday, September 12, 1983, at the Palomino Restaurant. <br />It was reported that the Library had received a gift and would <br />therefore need to amend their budget to reflect such gift. It was also discussed <br />about the repairs needed because of the leak in the Library roof. <br />The County Manager reported that the safe driving bill will cost <br />more money in the operation of the Court and Jail system and counseling and in <br />providing Community Service work. <br />The status of the Landfill equipment was discussed. <br />During the discussion, Commissioner Jerry M. Almond joined <br />the meeting and participated in the further deliberations of the Board. Comm- <br />issioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the County have the 1978 Mack Truck <br />repaired. Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., seconded the motion and <br />upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The County Manager reported that the Lemon Springs Fire <br />Department desired for the County to make an out right gift of the Teacherage <br />Building to them, and the law authorizing such conveyance was read to the Board. <br />It was reported to the Board that the Sanford Area Chamber of <br />Commerce had requested the County to pay $600. 00 to help fix the parking lot <br />near the Department of Aging building. Upon the motion of Commissioner John <br />R. Dossenbach, Jr., the County Manager was authorized to offer $400.00 <br />assistance for this project. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />