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qo~, fl PAGE 35i~ <br />The Board noted the receipt of a gift of a 52 MM Telesor Lens <br />to the Sheriff's Department for use in the Detective Division, from Mr. Jimmy <br />Johnson of Kendale Pawn Shop. The lens have a value of $75. 00, and the Board <br />authorized the acceptance of the gift and directed that a letter be furnished to <br />Mr. Johnson acknowledging the gift, upon motion of Commissioner Jerry M. <br />Almond, seconded by Commissioner John E. Dotterer, which motion was <br />unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />The offer concerning the donation of a set of law books to the <br />County, was referred to the Library Board for its recommendations. <br />The County Manager was directed to solicit bids for an auction- <br />eer's services in disposing of surplus County property, upon motion of Comm- <br />issioner Jerry M. Almond, seconded by Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, <br />Jr., which motion was unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />The matter of discussion of the Recreation Programs was deferred <br />to allow the Parks and Recreation Commission to consider the County Manager's <br />memorandum and to present their recommendations to the Board. <br />Mr. Bob Pomeranz, appeared before the Board and requested <br />authority to do landscaping of the Steele Street site of the Art Center building <br />and to improve the Weatherspoon Street entrance into the parking lot and to <br />improve the parking lot, all of which would be done with donated funds and that the <br />Board authorize and provide funds in the amount of $400. 00, for the purchase of <br />12 light fixtures for 3 rooms and $800. 00 for floor tile for one room rebuilt on <br />the first floor. After discussion, Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that <br />the request be approved and authorized and that funds be provided for the two <br />items to be paid from County funds. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded <br />the motion and upon a vote, Commissioners Dossenbach, Dotterer, Matthews <br />and Wicker voted for it and Commissioner Almond voted against it. The Chair- <br />man ruled that the motion had carried by a majority vote. <br />The Board then observed a short recess. <br />The matter of Ambulance fees was discussed. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker moved to cut the ambulance fees within the limits of the <br />City of Sanford to $35. 00. The motion died for the lack of a second, following <br />which Commissioner Jerry M. Almond moved that the ambulance fees remain <br />as they had previously been set by action of the Board. Commissioner John <br />R. Dossenbach, Jr, seconded the motion and upon a vote, Commissioners Almond, <br />Dossenbach and Matthews voted for it and Commissioners Dotterer and Wicker <br />voted against it. The Chairman decclared the motion adopted by a majority vote. <br />Commissioner Dotterer moved for the Board to re-consider the motion as he <br />wished to limit the charges to $35. 00 within three miles of the base station. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion, but upon a vote, the <br />motion to re-consider failed to carry. <br />