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BOOK 390 <br />3. That current taxes, as they are collected by the county, <br />shall be paid to Lemon Springs Volunteer Fire Department <br />® by the 31st day of each month; that delinquent taxes shall be <br />remitted quarterly. <br />4. The party of the second part shall provide the necessary <br />equipment and personnel for furnishing adequate fire protection <br />as determined by the North Carolina Department of Insurance, Fire <br />and Rescue Service Division, for all property located within the <br />Lemon Springs Fire District <br />, and it will furnish said <br />fire protection free of charge to all persons and individuals <br />located in said District in an effecient and workmanlike manner. <br />5. That all funds paid to the party of the second part by <br />the party of the first part shall be used exclusively to provide <br />fire protection within said Lemon Springs Fire District <br />and tolopay other ligitimate fire protection expenses including <br />O <br />principle and interest on the aforementioned loan made by the <br />Farmers Home Administration. <br />6. It is agreed that the party of the first part may <br />inspect all books and accounts for the party of the second part <br />at any time that it shall desire; it is further agreed that the <br />Fire District will present to the Connty Commissioners an annual <br />audit by a C.P.A. which audit shall be in conformity with existing <br />audit policies of the County. <br />7. The party of the second part agrees to comply with <br />County budgeting procedures provided for by State Law and agrees <br />to submit budget estimates to the hoard of Commissioners on the <br />standard forms used by county departments; the party of the second <br />o also agrees to use standard line items for accounting devised or <br />consented to by the County Accountant Irnm time to Lime. <br />