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10-7-19 Regular Meeting
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10-7-19 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
10/28/2019 1:42:57 PM
Creation date
10/28/2019 1:41:50 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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recorded at Plat Cabinet 2019, Slide 108 of the Lee County Register of Deeds Office. No that <br />additional lots are proposed to be created from the parent tract of land that was part of Phase 4, <br />the subdivision has transitioned from a minor subdivision to a major subdivision, therefore <br />Phase 5 has been proposed. The Lee County Planning Board approved a preliminary plat for <br />the Winstead Farms, Phase 5 off of Lemon Springs Road as it appears to comply with the <br />Unified Development Ordinance subdivision regulations, the property has access to public water <br />and streets, and the soil report appears to support the configuration of the lots. Planning and <br />Community Development Director stated that this request addresses lots 6-9 in the proposed <br />plat that is designated as a major subdivision due to the addition of these lots. Commissioner <br />Reives moved to approve the preliminary plat for the Winstead Farms, Phase 5, a copy of which <br />is attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Dodson, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe, Smith <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion carried unanimously. <br />V. MANAGERS' REPORTS <br />A. Monthly Financial Report for August 2019. <br />Assistant County Manager/Finance Director Lisa Minter presented the monthly financial <br />report for August 2019. No action was taken. <br />B. County Manager John Crumpton requested the Board's approval to request that the City <br />look into ways to address safety concerns related to pedestrian traffic across Hillcrest Drive in <br />front of the government center. Commissioner Reives moved to direct the County Manager to <br />issue a request to the City to evaluate the safety needs of the pedestrian walkway in front of the <br />Government Center on Hillcrest Drive. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Dodson, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe, Smith <br />Nay: None <br />Chair Dalrymple ruled the motion had carried unanimously. <br />VI. COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Reives requested that the County Manager look into the Spec Building and <br />should it sell, what the County would need to cover. The County Manager stated that the County <br />has $140,000 budgeted in this year's budget to cover costs related to the Spec Building. No <br />payments have been issued to date. There has been several prospective purchasers that have <br />expressed interest in the building. <br />Chair Dalrymple requested that the Board review the proposed signage resulting from the <br />adoption of the modification to the Lee County Code of Ordinances related to concealed carry <br />and that there be a social media posting summarizing which county facilities allow conceal <br />carry. Chair Dalrymple requested a movement for more required training related to carrying <br />concealed weapons in public. This would be a request for a legislative change. Chair Dalrymple <br />also asked the Board if they are in favor of seeking to allow concealed carry in state and federal <br />buildings to which the board responded favorably. <br />P a g c 415 <br />
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