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EXHIBIT A <br />"Legal Description of Property" <br />BEGINNING at a stake in the W.D. Bright line and McDonald and Sutton corner; running <br />thence as their line N 4 E 200 poles to a stake in the old original line; thence as it N 86 W 79 <br />poles to McNeill's corner; thence as his line South 4 W 200 poles to his corner; thence as old <br />line 79 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 98 2/3 acres. See deed from A.L. McNeill and <br />wife, Ida Rankin McNeill to John W. Taylor dated April 16, 1912, recorded in Book S, Pages <br />670-671, Lee County Registry. <br />Being also the same property described in Deed Book 712, Page 927 of the Lee County Registry. <br />999999.009-2231269v3 Exhibit A <br />