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Road and 97 Whitney Lane, from Residential Agricultural to Residential Restricted. Traci <br />1 is an approximately 2.5 acre vacant lot identified as Tax Parcel 9529-94-0172-00. <br />Tract 2 is an approximately 3.1 acre vacant lot identified as Tax Parcel 9529-84-8192- <br />00. Tract 3 is an approximately 4.8 acre vacant lot identified as Tax Parcel 9529-93- <br />0720-00. All parcels are depicted on Lee County Tax Map 9529.04, and are illustrated <br />on a 2003 plat, labeled Property of Dowell G. Eakes and wife, Patti S. Eakes recorded in <br />Plat Cabinet 2003, Slide 30F of the Lee County Register of Deeds Office. The Eakes <br />feel that rezoning will protect the future development of the property. Chair Dalrymple <br />opened the public hearing for comment. <br />The following people spoke in favor of the rezoning request: <br />- Dowel Eakes, 333 Eakes Road, Sanford, NC <br />No one spoke in opposition of the rezoning request. <br />Chair Darlymple closed the public hearing. <br />B. Joint public hearing with the Lee County Planning Board for a proposed Unified <br />Development Ordinance text amendment to update the City of Sanford's Public Works <br />Director Certificate. <br />Amy McNeill with the Planning and Community Development Department presented a <br />text amendment to the jointly adopted City of Sanford/Lee County/Town of Broadway <br />Unified Development Ordinance, Appendix B Specifications of Forms to be Submitted, <br />B-4 Subdivision Plants, to revise the Public Works Certificate. City or town accepting <br />water, sewer and/or streets. <br />No one spoke in favor or in opposition to the UDO Text Amendment to Update the City <br />of Sanford's Public Works Director Certificate. <br />Chair Dalrymple closed the public hearing. <br />C. Joint public hearing regarding a proposed amendment to the Unified Development <br />Ordinance to create a new airport density overlay district and to consider zoning <br />amendment to the official zoning map to apply new airport density overlay district. <br />Marshall Downey, Planning Director, stated that Planning staff has worked with the <br />executive board and staff of the Raleigh Executive Jetport Regional Airport regarding the <br />need for updated zoning rules in and around the airport due to concern about the ever- <br />increasing market for residential development and the need to create zoning rules <br />around the airport to discourage higher density neighborhoods and subdivisions. The <br />proposal consists of a two-part process. This is a text amendment and potential rezoning <br />for the County. During the development of the City/County land use plan, staff met with <br />people to speak regarding a land use perspective about the property located around the <br />airport. Airport representatives expressed concerns regarding the lack of authority <br />around the airport to prevent residential encroachment. The first of two public meetings <br />occurred in August 2018. Notices were sent to properties in the area as well as adjoining <br />landowners. Planning staff is proposing a new set of rules that would create new overlay <br />zoning district around the airport that would set a density limit of one unit per five acres <br />for those properties located within the new zone. The majority of the area in this new <br />boundary is currently zoned RA, which is intended for agricultural and single-family <br />residential and allows a density of one unit per 0.92 acre. The new rules also include an <br />exception under the UDO's current definition of a minor subdivision. Under this <br />Page 3 19 <br />