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JOINT MEETING OF THE INTERLOCAL SUB -COMMITTEE FOR THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE, CITY OF SANFORD, AND TOWN OF BROADWAY <br />WEST END CONFERENCE ROOM <br />225 E. WEATHERSPOON STREET <br />SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27330 <br />August 16, 2019 <br />The Joint Interlocal Sub -Committee appointed to study Interlocal Agreements and other <br />items of interest between the County of Lee, City of Sanford, and Town of Broadway, met at 11:00 <br />a.m. in the West End Conference Room located at City Hall, 225 E. Weatherspoon Street, Sanford, <br />North Carolina on said date. Commissioner appointed members present were Amy M. Dalrymple, <br />Kevin C. Dodson, and Cameron W. Sharpe. County Staff in attendance included County Manager <br />John Crumpton, Assistant County Manager/Finance Director Lisa Minter, and Deputy County <br />Attorney/Clerk to the Board Jennifer Gamble. <br />Mayor Chet Mann called the Joint Sub -Committee meeting to order and the following items <br />were discussed: <br />I. Kiwanis Park Update <br />Don Reuter, City of Sanford's new Parks Administrator, provided the Committee <br />with an update on the construction taking place at Kiwanis Family Park. The splash <br />pad is expected to open at the end of August. The splash pad will be open <br />seasonally, however City staff will try to expand the open season as much as <br />possible weather permitting. The rest of the park including the shelters, playground, <br />walking trails, etc. will be open year around. The new playground caters to children <br />of all different abilities and capacities. <br />Homelessness <br />Karen Kennedy, Community Development Manager, provided the Committee an <br />update regarding S-3 Connect's activities. S3 is going through some internal <br />changes. The organization is in the process of revising their bylaws and working on <br />a plan for the next 3-5 years. Achievements include establishment of an extreme <br />weather shelter, success of a point in time count, and assisting Outreach Mission in <br />becoming a low barrier shelter. With the help of S3 Connect, the automated 211 <br />phone help system provided through United Way was enhanced. 211 will connect <br />people specifically trained to provide certain resources through an intake person. <br />The organization will meet in September to have a strategic planning session to get <br />direction and input. Upcoming events include a nonprofit board training on <br />September 26 and the Cow Patty Fundraiser on September 13th at the Lee County <br />Regional Fair. <br />III. Potential Changes to the Animal Control Ordinance <br />City attorney Susan Patterson stated that the City has passed the first reading of an <br />ordinance to limit the number of animals one can possess in the City limits to 8 cats <br />or dogs. The final vote is scheduled to take place on August 20th. Mayor Mann <br />stated that a request for the amendment came up when there was an unfortunate <br />fire at a residence that had a number of animals. The City's ordinance allows for <br />Page 114 <br />