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II. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA <br />The Board considered changes to the Consent Agenda. With no further changes <br />requested, Commissioner Sharpe moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended, which <br />consisted of the following items: <br />A. Minutes from the June 17, 2019 Regular Meeting. <br />B. Minutes from the June 17, 2019 Closed Session Meeting. <br />C. Renewal of NC Cardinal Contract with Lee County Libraries. <br />D. Designation of Voting Delegate to NCACC Annual Conference. <br />E. Annual Software Maintenance Renewal for Finance/HR Software. <br />F. Microsoft Enterprise Agreement for Microsoft Licensing. <br />G. Lee County Enterprise Data Storage License/Support Renewal. <br />H. Tax Release and Refund Report for June 2019. <br />I. NC DOT and FTA required updated Title VI Plan. <br />J. General Services Division vehicle purchase request for one F150 truck from the NC <br />Sheriff's Association vehicle bid in the amount of $19,985.34. <br />K. Forest Services Contract. <br />L. Budget Amendment # 07/15/19/01. <br />M. Emergency services vehicle replacement in the amount of $32,404. <br />N. Emergency Services Grant Award. <br />O. Local Emergency Planning Committee 2018 Annual Report. <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had carried. <br />III. PUBLIC HEARING <br />A. Public hearing on the request from the Sanford -Lee County Regional Airport Authority for <br />a loan from the revolving loan fund. Finance Director/Assistant County Manager Lisa Minter <br />stated that an application had been received from the Sanford -Lee County Regional Airport <br />Authority for a $400,000 loan from the Revolving Loan Fund. The term of the loan would be <br />59 months, and the interest rate would be 0%. The proceeds from the loan would be used <br />for furniture, audio-visual and security equipment for the new terminal building, as well as <br />site improvements. The Board received the application at its May 6, 2019 regular meeting. It <br />was at that time the Board also voted to authorize the loan amount in the amount of <br />$400,000. Pursuant to the revolving loan fund policy adopted by the Board, a public hearing <br />must be held before a promissory note/loan agreement can be signed by the parties. Staff <br />requested due to the timing that the Board vote to waive its policy in order to vote to approve <br />the promissory note/loan agreement the same night the public hearing is held and to <br />authorize the Chair to sign any documents necessary to effectuate the loan. Chair <br />Dalrymple opened the public hearing for comment. <br />No one spoke in favor or in opposition to of the request to issue a loan to the Sanford -Lee <br />County Regional Airport Authority from the Revolving Loan fund. <br />Chair Darlymple closed the public hearing. <br />Page 215 <br />