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900'( ~1 rt•.=~ ~S'° <br />to give the statutory notices required to hold a public hearing <br />on this matter on Monday, June 18, 1984, upon motion of Commissioner John <br />R. Dossenbach, Jr., which motion was seconded by Commissioner Jerry M. <br />Almond and unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />The Board considered the Budget Amendment entitled ''Appropriation <br />Adjustment #84050727'', a copy of which is attached to these minutes and by this <br />reference made a part hereof. After discussion, Commissioner John E. Dotterer <br />moved that the Budget Amendment be adopted. Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, <br />Jr., seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next considered the Budget Amendment for San-Lee <br />Heights Community Development #B-80-DN-37-0071, which included Appropriation <br />Adjustment #84050728, a copy of which is attached to these minutes and by this <br />reference made a part hereof. After discussion, Commissioner John E. Dotterer <br />moved that the Budget Amendment be adopted. Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, <br />Jr., seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The recommendations of the West Sanford Fire Department for <br />the appointments to the Firemen's Local Relief Fund Board of Trustees of Mr. <br />Max Hall and Mr. David Wicker, was presented to the Board. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker moved that the recommendations of the Fire Department be <br />accepted and that Mr. Max Hall and Mr. David Wicker be appointed to the Firemen's <br />Local Relief Fund Board of Trustees, as required by N. C. G. S. 118-6. Comm- <br />issioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. , seconded the motion and upon a vote it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman announced that she had appointed Commissioner <br />John R. Dossenbach, Jr. , to serve as a member of the Downtown Sanford <br />Development Corporation Board of Trustees. <br />Proclamations were presented to the Board designating May 1989 <br />as Senior Citizens Month and designated the week of May 6th through 12th, as <br />Senior Center Week. Also, a proclamation designating the week of May 13th <br />through 19th, as National Nursing Home Week, was presented to the Board. The <br />issuance of these proclamations were approved and authorized, upon motion of <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., duly seconded by Commissioner John <br />E. Dotterer, which motion was unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />The acceptance of a Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention <br />Grant to the Lee County Youth Services Department, in the amount of $8, 282. 00, <br />was approved, upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, seconded by <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer, which motion was unanimously adopted upon a <br />vote. <br />