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1984 - 05-07-84 Regular Meeting
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1984 - 05-07-84 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
4/24/2009 3:27:13 PM
Creation date
4/24/2009 3:26:46 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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Aov 11 46 <br />Mr. Leonard Barefoot, County Planner, appeared before the <br />Board and presented to the Board, a request for permission to submit a new <br />letter of credit by the Carolina Trace Corporation to guarantee improvements <br />in the Carolina Trace Subdivision. After discussion, Commissioner John E. <br />Dotterer moved that permission to submit a new letter of credit be granted. <br />Commissioner Jerry M. Almond seconded the motion and upon a vote it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />The Board then observed a short recess. <br />Following the recess, the Board re-convened with all members <br />present and the Chair recognized Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan, Grants Administrator, <br />who reviewed the projects being supervised by his office. Following the review <br />of the projects, Mr. Buchanan advised the Board that Mr. Henry Rogers Judd had <br />made an offer of $2, 200. 00 to purchase a building lot located in the 1980 Community <br />Development Project area of the San-Lee Heights Subdivision. This property had <br />been acquired as part of the 1980 Community Development Project for the purpose <br />of resale as home building sites and with the understanding that the purchaser must <br />build a home upon the site within one year from the date of the purchase of the site, <br />and the home to be built must conform to all required building codes. Mr. Judd's <br />bid was made in response to an advertisement for bids published in the Sanford <br />Herald on April 14, 1984. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that Mr. Judd's <br />bid be accepted and that the County Attorney be instructed to prepare a deed for the <br />conveyance of the property and that the officials of the County be authorized and <br />directed to execute and deliver the deed upon payment of the purchase price. <br />Commissioner Jerry M. Almond seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unani- <br />mously adopted. <br />The Board recessed their meeting as County Commissioners and <br />took and subscribed their oath as the Board of Equalization and Review for the <br />County. Following their oath taking, they adjourned the meeting as the Board of <br />Equalization and Review, to reconvene on Monday, May 14, 1984, at 3:00 o'clock <br />p. m. , and resumed sitting as the Board of Commissioners. <br />The Tax Releases as prepared by the Tax Supervisor for the month <br />of April 1984, were considered and approved, upon motion of Commissioner Jerry <br />M. Almond, seconded by Commissioner John E. Dotterer, which motion was <br />unanimously adopted upon a vote, a copy of which Release Report is attached hereto <br />and by this reference made a part hereof. , <br />The request of the Carolina Trace Volunteer Fire Department <br />for an extension of the Carolina Trace Service District for fire protection, wa: <br />presented to the Board. The Board directed the Tax Supervisor to take steps <br />
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