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m> 11 rt~_ 484 <br />Upon motion of Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., <br />which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner John E. Dotterer and upon a <br />vote, unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED that Mrs. Bertha L. Matthews <br />be designated as Lee County's voting delegate to the convention of the National <br />Association of County Officials, to be held in Seattle, Washington, in July of this <br />year. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker advised the Board that the <br />Group Home near the old hospital wanted the house to be air-conditioned and <br />were requesting $3, 500. 00 to be placed in the budget for this purpose. No <br />action was taken at thismeeting. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. complained of a recent <br />editorial in the Sanford Herald with respect to the Board's action pertaining to the <br />Art Center. Commissioner Dossenbach stated that the Herald had taken a reso- <br />lution which only "named" the center as board action, in agreeing that the center <br />would be "maintained". Vice Chairman Almond read a statement concerning his <br />vote and position concerning the action taken of "naming" the Art Center. The <br />state was read in toto and copies furnished to the press and asked that it be <br />published. <br />The County Manager reported to the Board on the tax rates for the <br />fire districts in the County. <br />The Board then, upon motion made, which was duly seconded and <br />unanimously adopted upon a vote, resolved to adjourn their meeting until 7:00 <br />o'clock p, m., on Tuesday, June 12, 1984. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />