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aOov 11 <s 52^ <br />in Lee County for the Forest Services. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner John E. Dotterer, duly seconded <br />and unanimously adopted, the Ambulance Director (presently Mr. Joel Jackson) <br />was appointed to serve continuously as a member of the Emergency Medical <br />Services Council. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jerry M. Almond, duly seconded <br />by Commissioner John E. Dotterer, the Board unanimously resolved to appoint <br />Dr. Lynn Smith to the Emergency Medical Services Council for a two year term. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner John E. Dotterer, seconded by <br />Commissioner Jerry M. Almond, the Board unanimously appointed Dr. A. M. <br />Oelrich to be a member of the Lee County Industrial Facilities and Pollution <br />Control Board, for a six year term. <br />Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, Mr. Frank <br />Dyer was appointed to the Local Waste Management Board, for a two year term. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jerry M. Almond,seconded by <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer, the Board unanimously appointed the Reverend <br />William Gattis and Miss Mary Bridges to serve on the Lee County Personnel <br />Board, for a two year term. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, duly seconded, <br />the Board unanimously appointed Mr. Danny Hart to be a member of the Parks <br />and Recreation Commission, for a three year term. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jerry M. Almond, seconded by <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer, the Board unanimously appointed Mrs. Mildred <br />Pretty to be a member of the Rest Home Advisory Committee for a term of two <br />years. <br />Commissioner Jerry M. Almond then presented to the Board a <br />plan whereby the Parks and Recreation Commission could revise their budget to <br />generate enough funds to continue a tennis program. <br />Commissioner Jerry M. Almond moved that the Board go into <br />Executive Session to consider purchase of a piece of real estate. Commissioner <br />John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously <br />adopted. <br />The Executive Session was closed, upon motion of Commissioner <br />Jerry M. Almond, seconded by Commissioner John E. Dotterer, which motion <br />was unanimously adopted. <br />