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9ao~ 11 mcc 529 <br />0 <br />as true and accurate lists of the active Firemen of the Fire Departments, in <br />accordance with the requirements of N. C. G. S. 118-38. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously <br />adopted. <br />The contract for catering home delivered meals under Title <br />III, Part C, of the Older Americans Act of 1965, between the Lee County <br />Department of Aging and the Joint Orange-Chatham Community Action, Inc., <br />was presented to the Board, as well as the contract for catering congregate meals <br />under Title III, Part C of the Older Americans Act of 1965, between the Lee <br />County Department of Aging and the Joint Orange-Chatham Community Action, <br />Inc. , was presented to the Board for their consideration and approval. After <br />examination and discussion of the contracts, Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />moved that the contracts be approved and that the Department of Aging be <br />authorized to execute same. Commissioner Jerry M. Almond seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mrs. Reggie Durham, Director of the Department of Aging, <br />appeared before the Board and presented her year end report of the Department <br />of Aging's activities in training home health aids under the Job Training Partner- <br />ship Act. Mrs. Durham explained that the report needed to be approved so that <br />the Department could receive its final payment. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />moved that the Department of Aging's report be approved. Commissioner Jerry <br />M. Almond seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Jerry M. Almond moved that the Board accept <br />the donation of the Whirlpool Air Conditioner for use in the Lee County Jail <br />Kitchen area made by Mr. Harry Williams, III. Commissioner John E. Dotterer <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. J. T. Davenport, Jr., has agreed to donate 0.67 acre of <br />land to the County and to grant an easement where necessary to allow a water <br />line to cross his property between the present city system and the Kiwanis Park. <br />Mr. Don McLaughlin, Director of Parks and Recreation, appeared before the <br />Board and presented a map of the proposed area and a letter of appraisal pre- <br />pared by Mr. Albert C. Adcock of Adcock and Associates. Commissioner John <br />E. Dotterer moved that the County accept the donation of the land and of the <br />easement. Commissioner Jerry M. Almond seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Representatives of the Forest Service appeared before the Board <br />and advised the Board that the State had appropriated money for the acquisition of <br />tractors but that it would be necessary for the County to appropriate 40% of the <br />operating budget in order to receive one of these items of equipment. The Forest <br />Service respresentative estimated that $7,447. 00 would be needed for the fiscal <br />year 1984-85, and that $11, 672.00 would be needed for the year 1985-86. The <br />Board indicated that it would be willing to appropriate $6, 000. 00 for the 1984-85 year <br />and would consider appropriating $9, 000. 00 for the 1985-86 fiscal year. Comm- <br />issioner John E. Dotterer moved that the Board appropriate $6, 000. 00 for the <br />County's share of the operating budget for a tractor and hauling unit to be stationed <br />