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56 <br />Commissioner dorrdon A~. W cker asked that the Division of <br />Highways be asked to consider work on the flooding problems in the area where <br />Buffalo. Creek crosses McNeill Road. <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the Public Health <br />Board be expanded and that Dr. William B. Adams be appointed as a member of <br />that Board. Commissioner Jerry M. Almond seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it <br />was adjourned sine die. <br />BERTHA L. MATTHEWS <br />CHAIRMAN <br />1S.r:ly 1'n x. n <br />CLERK <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COLM.-r,Y/ <br />Pr aanted for registration on the.-//- .dal <br />of..... .~_~..~..R.-~'_-.'-~...19.E.Tat 9.'40~4--M, <br />recorded in Book f1........ paga..k-L. <br />Pattle W. MoGllvary, Register of Deeds <br />