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0 <br />9aoK ii „~,c;. 63 <br />Mr. Don McLaughlin, Director, and Mr. Bob Hailey, Park <br />Manager, of the San Lee Park, were recognized by the Board and presented <br />with a plaque recognizing the Lee County Parks and Recreation Department as <br />one of the three Statewide SHARE award winners as recognized by the North <br />Carolina Recreation and Parks Society. <br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan, Grants Administrator, appeared <br />before the Board and reviewed the written report about the projects being <br />supervised by his office. <br />Mr. Bob Pomeranz appeared before the Board on behalf of the <br />Arts Center Council. There was an extended discussion concerning participation <br />and use of the facility and the sentiment about such a large expenditure for <br />improving the windows in the structure. The Board advised Mr. Pomeranz that <br />they would be touring the facility later in the day and no formal action was taken. <br />The monthly list of refunds and releases from the Tax Depart- <br />ment were brought up for consideration. Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews <br />moved that the refunds and releases as listed by the Tax Supervisor, be author- <br />ized and approved, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made <br />a part hereof. Commissioner Jerry M. Almond seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. , moved that Dr. David Cil- <br />iberto be appointed to the Ambulance Advisory Committee to fill the vacancy <br />created by the resignation of Dr. Robert Patterson. Commissioner Bertha L. <br />Matthews seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The vacancy on the Region J Emergency Medical Services Board <br />created by the resignation of Dr. Patterson was discussed and Chairman John E. <br />Dotterer appointed Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. , to fill that vacancy. <br />The Chairman then appointed Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr. <br />to serve as a member on the steering committee for up-dating the Transportation <br />Development Plan. <br />The Board was reminded that it had been invited to meet with <br />Dr. Marvin Joyner at Central Carolina Technical College on Friday, December <br />71 1984, at twelve o'clock noon, to discuss long range plans for the college. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr, reported to the Board <br />that they were working on a new Ambulance Service Procedure Policy and it was <br />brought up for discussion the extent of collections for Ambulance Services. He <br />also advised that a report was being prepared. <br />The Board then recessed the meeting to tour the building <br />formerly known as the Sanford High School and now known as the Arts Center <br />