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0 5oa~ 11 656 <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jerry M. Almond, seconded by <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., these change orders <br />were unanimously approved. <br />Mr. Hugh Brewer, Maintenance Supervisor, appeared before <br />the Board to present estimates to repair the windows at the <br />Lee County Arts Center. After some discussion, Mr. Brewer <br />was instructed by the Board to repair only the windows that <br />need to be replaced. <br />The Chairman announced that he would name a committee to <br />study the problems being experienced with regards to the <br />animal facility. The Chairman announced that the committee <br />would be made up as follows: <br />John E. Dotterer, Chairman, Board of Commissioners <br />John R. Dossenbach, Jr., Vice-Chmn., Bd. of Comm. <br />Rex McLeod, Mayor, City of Sanford <br />Wayne Crowson, Mayor Pro-Tem. City of Sanford <br />Dr. Ron Myres, President, Humane Society <br />Dr. Marvin Joyner, President, CCTC <br />County Manager, Walter B. Hartman, Jr., presented Budget <br />Amendment #1/7/85/11 which is attached to these minutes and <br />by this reference made a part hereof. Upon motion of Com- <br />missioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., seconded by Commissioner <br />Bertha L. Matthews and upon a vote Commissioners Dotterer, <br />Dossenbach and Matthews voted for approval of Section 1-3 of <br />the amendment and Commissioner Almond voted against it. Upon <br />motion of Commissioner Almond, seconded by Commissioner <br />Matthews and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted to <br />approve Sections 4-10 of the amendment. <br />At this point Commissioner Almond made a motion to deny <br />any further requests for additional funding from county <br />departments after the budget has been adopted and the tax <br />rate set. He also outlined a procedure for allowing emer- <br />gency cases to be determined by the County Manager, Chairman <br />or Vice-Chairman with the exception of all federal and state <br />mandated programs which must be funded. After some discus- <br />sion, Mr. Almond's motion died for the lack of a second. <br />A revised classification schedule was presented by <br />County Manager, Walter B. Hartman, Jr., which is attached to <br />these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon <br />motion by Commissioner Almond, seconded by Commissioner <br />Matthews, it was unanimously adopted. <br />The next item discussed was a recommendation from the <br />Personnel Board regarding solicitation by vendors to county <br />employees during working hours. The Personnel Board recom- <br />mended that no solicitation be allowed. Upon motion by <br />Commissioner Almond, seconded by Commissioner Matthews it was <br />unanimously adopted to make it the county's policy not to <br />allow any solicitation of county employees during working <br />hours. <br />