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;vm 11 C70, a <br />County Manager, Walter B. Hartman, Jr., presented a <br />request from Central Carolina Technical College for an <br />additional appropriation of $2,100 to provide care and <br />feeding of animals at the facility on weekends and during <br />holidays for the remainder of this fiscal year. Upon motion <br />of Commissioner Jerry M. Almond, seconded by Commissioner <br />Raymond C. Cox, Jr., it was unanimously adopted to approve <br />this request. County Manager, Walter B. Hartman, Jr., was <br />instructed to prepare the appropriate budget amendment to <br />incorporate these funds into CCTC's budget. <br />Don McLaughlin, Parks & Recreation Director, appeared <br />before the Board to request adoption of a resolution authori- <br />zing the submission of the grant application for the tennis <br />courts in Broadway for $36,000 with 50% local match <br />($18,000), and to enter into a lease agreement with the Town <br />of Broadway to assure control over the facility. Upon motion <br />of -Commissioner Jerry M. Almond, seconded by Commissioner <br />Bertha L. Matthews, the resolution and the lease agreement <br />were unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />Elwin Buchanan, Grants Administrator, and Francis <br />Chester of Miller & Associates, appeared before the Board to <br />report on the various areas of the county who have expressed <br />a need for water with cost estimates for construction and an <br />estimate of cost per user. <br />The Board discussed the need for a policy concerning <br />extension of the water system and the Chairman requested the <br />County Manager to prepare such a policy for the Board's <br />consideration. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., moved that the <br />Board approve extending the Cape Fear Fire Department limits <br />to a point 5 miles from the fire station. Commissioner <br />Bertha L. Matthews seconded the motion and upon a vote it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., announced that he <br />is going to be a candidate for the position of 3rd vice- <br />President of the North Carolina Association of County Commis- <br />sioners at its August meeting and solicited support of the <br />Board. Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews moved that the Board <br />endorse Commissioner Dossenbach's candidacy. Commissioner <br />Raymond C. Cox, Jr., seconded the motion and upon a vote it <br />was unanimously adopted. <br />There being no further business to come before the <br />session, it was adjourned. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />