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500K - DACE 729 <br />WHEREAS, the members of the Governing Body have general knowledge of <br />the conditions prevailing in the Redevelopment area and of the avail- <br />ability of proper housing in the Locality for the relocation of indi- <br />viduals and families that may be displaced by the 1985-86 Program <br />Year activities, and in the light of such knowledge of local housing <br />conditions, have carefully considered and reviewed such proposals for <br />relocation; and <br />WHEREAS, the Governing Body is cognizant of the conditions that are <br />imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of Community Development <br />activities and undertaking with Federal financial assistance under <br />Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, <br />color, creed, or national origin: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COIMMISSIONERS OF LEE <br />COUNTY: <br />1. That it is hereby found and determined that the redevelopment <br />area comprising the 1985-86 Program Year area is a Rehabilitation, <br />Conservation, and Reconditioning Area qualities as an eligible area <br />under North Carolina General Statutes 160A-503. <br />2. That the Redevelopment Plan for the Program, having been duly re- <br />viewed and considered, is hereby approved, and the Clerk to the Board <br />be and is hereby directed to file said copy of the Redevelopment Plan <br />with the minutes of the meeting. <br />3. That it is hereby found and determined that the Redevelopment Plan <br />for the Program conforms to the general plan of the Locality. <br />4. That it is hereby found and determined that the financial aid to be <br />provided pursuant to the contract for Federal financial assistance Per- <br />taining to the Program is necessary to enable the Program to be under- <br />taken in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan for the area comprising <br />the 1985-86 Program Year Area. <br />5. That it is hereby found and determined that the Redevelopment Plan <br />for the Redevelopment area comprising the 1985-86 Program Year Area <br />will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the <br />Locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of the area. <br />6. That it is hereby found and determined that the Redevelopment Plan <br />for the redevelopment area gives due consideration to the provision of <br />adequate open space, as may be desirable for the neighborhood improve- <br />ment, with special consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of <br />children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan. <br />7. That it is hereby found and determined that the 1985-86 Program Year <br />of the Program for the proper relocation of individuals and families <br />displaced in carrying out the Redevelopment Plan in decent, safe, and <br />sanitary dwellings in conformity with acceptable standards is feasible <br />and can be reasonably and timely effected to permit the proper prose- <br />cution and completion of the Plan; and that such dwellings or dwelling <br />units available or to be made available to such displaced individuals <br />and families, are at least equal in number to the number of displaced <br />individuals and families, are not generally less desirable in regard to <br />