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9aaK 1l ?ArE 744 <br />The Tax Collector's report was reviewed and examined and <br />it was noted that the current year's percentage of collection was 97.40%. <br />The County Manager gave a preview of his budget proposal <br />which he said would not call for any increase in taxes. <br />Commissioner Almond expressed the opinion that the State <br />and Federal highway portions of Horner Boulevard need some kind of traffic <br />control light in the vicinity of Hardee's Drive-In and requested the County <br />Manager to contact the appropriate transportation officials concerning the <br />matter. <br />Commissioner Dossenbach reported that the Water Committee <br />would be submitting its report to the members of the Board shortly and re- <br />quested the Board give the matter their careful consideration. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, <br />it was adjourned sine die. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />. <br />CLERK <br />