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4.16.2 APPLICABILITY <br /> Establishment. The Mining Special Use Overlay Districts (MSUOD) is hereby <br /> established as a district which may be overlaid on the following underlying zoning districts to <br /> permit mining and quarrying in the MSUOD. <br /> • RA Residential Agricultural <br /> • LI Light Industrial <br /> • HI Heavy Industrial <br /> Special Use Permit Required. If a MSUOD is approved, no mining or quarrying may <br /> commence until a Special Use Permit is also approved. The Special Use Permit shall conform <br /> to the specific standards of Section 5.23 as well as the general development standards of this <br /> UDO. <br /> Definition. For the purposes of this Ordinance, "Mining and Quarrying" shall <br /> include any operation or land activity as defined under the category Mining and Quarrying in <br /> Appendix A of this Ordinance. <br /> 4.16.3 DEFINITIONS <br /> The following additional definitions apply to this Section 4.16: <br /> "Affected land" means the surface area of land that is mined or quarried, the surface area of <br /> land associated with a mining activity so that soil is exposed to accelerated erosion, the <br /> surface area of land on which overburden and waste is deposited, and the surface area of land <br /> used for processing or treatment plant, stockpiles, nonpublic roads, and settling ponds. <br /> "Land"shall include submerged lands underlying any river, stream, lake, sound, or other body <br /> of water. <br /> "Minerals" means soil, clay, coal, stone, gravel, sand, phosphate, rock, metallic ore, and any <br /> other solid material or substance of commercial value found in natural deposits on or in the <br /> earth. <br /> "Overburden" means the earth, rock, and other materials that lie above the natural deposit of <br /> minerals. <br /> "Reclamation plan" shall mean that plan required by the state as part of an application for a <br /> mining permit and defined in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 74-49. <br /> "Refuse" means all waste soil, rock, mineral, scrap, tailings, slimes, and other material <br /> directly connected with the mining, cleaning, and preparation of substances mined and shall <br /> include all waste materials deposited on or in the permit area from other sources. <br /> "Site"means the affected land and any buffer yards. <br /> 2 <br />