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boa . 11 Pac: ~6fl <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., moved that the Board go <br />into Executive Session to consider a personnel matter. Commissioner <br />Raymond C. Cox, Jr, seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unani- <br />mously adopted. The Board then went into Executive Session. Commissioner <br />John R. Dossenbach, Jr, moved that the Executive Session be closed and the <br />Board resume its public meeting. Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews second- <br />ed the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. The Chairman noted <br />that for the record the Board had gone into Executive Session to discuss a <br />personnel matter but that the matter had been resolved and therefore the Board <br />took no action in the Executive Session. <br />The Board then considered the matter of appointments and Commissioner <br />Jerry M. Almond moved that Mr. Thomas M. Joyner be appointed to the Board <br />of Directors of the Lee County Industrial Development Corporation. The nomi- <br />nation was seconded by Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. There were no other <br />nominations and the Board, upon a vote, unanimously elected Mr. Joyner to the <br />Board of Directors of the Lee County Industrial Development Corporation. <br />The Chairman announced that he had appointed the following persons to <br />the Private Industry Council: John McDonald, James Coggins, H. C. Mace, <br />Alexander Cox and Richard Palmer. <br />The County Manager was requested to ask the Department of Transpor- <br />tation to make a study of the speed limits on U. S. Highway No. 421, on its <br />approach to Sanford from the North. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it was <br />adjourned, sine die. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />CLERK <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNT <br />Presented for registration on the-= dey <br />of_ 0?,c "L_'-J 19'6~_at jl-_AaLm. <br />recorded in Book _t I page-15- ~ <br />Wanda K. Thomas, Register of Deeds <br />