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0 0 <br />aaoK 1~ ~r,~~ this concept and, after Commissioner Dossenbach had given his approval, <br />the new draft be submitted to the Humane Society for its approval and execution . <br />The Chairman brought up for consideration the creation of an <br />Inter-Agency Council on Youth and the matter was discussed by the Board. <br />Commissioner Jerry M. Almond moved that the Board establish an Inter- <br />Agency Council on Youth to be composed of one representative from each of <br />the seven County agencies which deal with children and three non-agency <br />personnel, all to be named by the Chairman to serve at his pleasure. Comm- <br />issioner Bertha L. Matthews seconded the motion, and upon a vote, it was unan- <br />imously adopted. <br />The Board then reviewed the correspondence and reports in- <br />cluded in material furnished with the agenda for this meeting. <br />Chairman Dotterer designated Commissioners Jerry M. Almond <br />and Bertha L. Matthews to work with County Manager Hartman on a policy re- <br />garding appointments. <br />Upon inquiry by Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews, County <br />Manager Hartman told the Board he would arrange for a trash bag pickup for <br />groups willing to police or clean the shoulders of public roadways outside of <br />incorporated areas. <br />Commissioner Cox reminded the members of the luncheon <br />for Mr. Peter Hight, Assistant Agricultural Extension Agent. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, <br />it was adjourned sine die. <br />V <br />CLE <br />CHAIRMAN <br />