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surrounding leases of the modular units. Dr. Bryan indicated that the new schools will eliminate the <br />need for some of the modular units. They are also looking for additional technologies and other upkeep <br />and maintenance items in the school district. Dr. Bryan then went through some of the <br />accomplishments of the school system from 2018. He indicated we had a graduation rate of 90%, and <br />the vast majority graduated with more than a diploma. <br />There was further discussion concerning the Board of Education's 2017-2018 audit. Dr. Bryan <br />indicated it is not complete due to weather and personnel issues. Dr. Bryan also thanked the County's <br />staff for their help during the hurricane. He stated it was wonderful working with the team to make sure <br />everyone was safe. Dr. Bryan also mentioned that the Wicker school is set to open in August, and they <br />are supposed to receive occupancy in July. There was then further discussion as to whether, under <br />the Manager's recommended budget, the schools could fund the match for behavioral specialists and <br />nurses. Dr. Bryan stated they are working with DPS to have an objective eye with security/safety needs <br />and that everyone is working together to support students' needs. <br />C. Further Discussion on Non -Profit Requests <br />County Manager John Crumpton asked for further discussion on the nonprofit requests for FY2019- <br />2020. He asked the Board to take a vote on the amounts so that he can prepare the budget ordinance <br />for the next regular meeting. Back on May 13, 2019, the Board vetted the nonprofits and now the <br />Manager needs further guidance. Chair Dalrymple brought up one change. She indicated she has <br />spoken with Ms. Womble in reference to a paint job for the the Railroad House Historical Society and <br />that this would be a one-time request. The Chair asked the Board to consider putting the $3,500 in the <br />budget. The Board wanted to see the information from the request packet. <br />There was then discussion about funding the Temple Theatre, considering their misappropriation of <br />funds in the past. Commissioner Smith made a motion to remove the $5,000 appropriation to the <br />Temple. After discussion amongst the Board members, Mr. Reives called the question. Upon a vote <br />to defund the Temple, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Smith <br />No: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Sharpe, Reives <br />The Chair ruled the motion failed. <br />D. Review of New Employee Reauests <br />County Manager presented the new employee requests for the FY2019-2020 budget. The requests <br />included an IT Telecom Systems Engineer (salary and fringes budgeted $59,229), four Deputy Sheriffs <br />(salary and fringes budgeted $220,340), three SROs (salary and fringes budgeted $165,255), and <br />Senior Services COLTS Administrative Assistant I (salary and fringes budgeted $42,071). In the <br />Manager's Recommended Budget he had included the three SROs and the one Senior Services <br />COLTS Administrative Assistant. The Manager recommended the three SROs and not the other <br />deputies. The city is pulling in so much growth, that we should wait and see the changes that occur <br />before deciding to hire new deputies. Currently there is one SRO at every school, and an additional <br />floater shared by the two high schools. There are only five counties in the state that have SROs at each <br />school. There was then discussion concerning the IT engineer. IT Director, Kyle Edwards, addressed <br />the Board. Mr. Edwards explained that this position would be in support of the IT <br />systems/telecommunication analyst. This position also supports the human resource, finance and tax <br />systems and could utilize additional support. The County Manager believes the position is warranted, <br />but given the budget guidance and trying to go revenue neutral, it was just maybe a year ahead of its <br />time. The Board wants more discussion on this position. <br />