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DAAS-735 <br />(revised 2/16) <br />17. Interest of the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners covenants that neither <br />the Board of Commissioners nor its agents or employees presently has an interest, nor shall <br />acquire an interest, direct or indirect, which conflicts in any manner or degree with the <br />performance of its service hereunder, or which would prevent, or tend to prevent, the <br />satisfactory performance of the service hereunder in an impartial and unbiased manner. <br />18. interest of Members of the Area Agency Lead Regional Organization and Others. No officer, <br />member or employee of the Area Agency or Lead Regional Organization, and no public official <br />of any local government which is affected in any way by the Project, who exercises any <br />function or responsibilities in the review or approval of the Project or any component part <br />thereof, shall participate in any decisions relating to this Agreement which affects his personal <br />interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which he is, directly or <br />indirectly, interested; nor shall any such persons have any interest, direct or indirect, in this <br />Agreement or the proceeds arising there from. <br />19. Officials not to Benefit. No member of or delegate to the Congress of the United States of <br />America, resident Commissioner or employee of the United States Government, shall be <br />entitled to any share or part of this Agreement or any benefits to arise here from. <br />20. Prohibition Aeainst Use of Funds to Influence Legislation. No part of any fimds under this <br />Agreement shall be used to pay the salary or expenses of any employee or agent acting on <br />behalf of the County to engage in any activity designed to influence legislation or <br />appropriations pending before Congress. <br />21. Confidentiality and Security. Any client information received in connection with the <br />performance of any function of a community service provider or its subcontractors under this <br />Agreement shall be kept confidential. The community service provider acknowledges that in <br />receiving, storing, processing, or otherwise handling any confidential information, the agency <br />and any subcontractors will safeguard and not further disclose the information except as <br />provided in this Agreement and accompanying documents. <br />22. Record Retention and Dis osp ition. All state and local government agencies, nongovernmental <br />entities, and their subrecipients, including applicable vendors, that administer programs funded <br />by federal sources passed through the NC DHHS and its divisions and offices are expected to <br />maintain compliance with the NC DHHS record retention and disposition schedule and any <br />agency -specific program schedules developed jointly with the NC Department of Cultural <br />Resources, Division of Archives and Records. Retention requirements apply to the community <br />service providers funded under this Agreement to provide Home and Community Care Block <br />Grant services. Information on retention requirements is posted at <br />htt2://www.ncdhhs-goy/control/retention/retention.htm and updated semi-annually by the NC <br />DHHS Controller's Office. By funding source and state fiscal year, this schedule lists the <br />earliest date that grant records in any format may be destroyed. The Division of Archives and <br />