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The Contractor certifies that it has identified to the County all jobs related to the contract that have been outsourced <br />to other countries, if any. The Contractor further agrees that it will not outsource any such jobs during the term of <br />this contract without providing notice to the County. <br />13. Federal Certifications: <br />Individuals and Organizations Deceiving federal funds must ensure compliance with certain certifications required by <br />federal laws and regulations. The contractor is hereby complying with Certifications regarding Nondiscrimination, <br />Drug -Free Workplace Requirements, Environmental Tobacco Smoke, Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and <br />Voluntary Exclusion Lower Tier Covered Transactions, and Lobbying. These assurances and certifications are to <br />be signed by the contractor's authorized representative. <br />14. Specific Language Not Previously Addressed: <br />( can be delted if not needed) <br />15. Signature Warranty: The undersigned represent and warrant that they are authorized to bind their principals to the <br />terms of this agreement. <br />The Contractor and the County have executed this contract in duplicate originals, with one original being retained by each <br />party. <br />COUNTY <br />contracts <br />Title <br />Title <br />This insjrument has been pre -audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. <br />Contract -General (06/15) <br />