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BOOK ~ Pt,;E Jy2 <br />The bid of Charles L. Horner to purchase the two used gas pumps on <br />the County property at 1310 S. Horner Boulevard, for $1, 600. 00, was presented <br />to the Board. Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews moved that the bid be accepted <br />and the property sold. Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr, seconded the motion <br />and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Jerry M. Almond moved that the Lee County Industries <br />be authorized to have vehicle maintenance done at the County Garage. Comm- <br />issioner Bertha L. Matthews seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unani- <br />mously adopted. <br />The proposals for Asbestos removal received by the Recreation Depart- <br />ment for the Art Center, were presented to the Board. The low bid of S/E <br />Shelter Corporation, of Durham, in the amount of $9, 874. 00, was accepted, <br />upon motion of Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., which motion was <br />seconded by Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews, and upon a vote it was unani- <br />mously adopted. <br />The proposals to provide industrial hygienist services for the asbestos <br />removal project was presented to the Board. The low bid of Health & Hygiene, <br />Inc. , for a fee of $400. 00 per day plus travel expenses at the rate of 22~ per <br />mile, was approved upon motion of Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., <br />which motion was seconded by Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews and unani- <br />mously adopted upon a vote. <br />The Board directed that a service district be established in the southern <br />tip of the County for that area which is currently served by the Cameron Fire <br />Department. This action was taken upon motion of Commissioner Jerry M. <br />Almond, seconded by Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr. and which motion <br />was unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />The Board discussed the problems that the Sanitation Department is <br />experiencing with respect to securing sites for the green disposal boxes. After <br />the matter had been discussed, it was decided that the Chairman would appoint <br />a Sanitation Committee to study the problems and make recommendations to the <br />Board. The Chairman named Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr. and Comm- <br />issioner Jerry M. Almond to serve on this committee. <br />The letter from the Governor concerning Service Delivery Area desig- <br />nations, was brought up for discussion. The Board was of the opinion that its <br />request to join a Service Delivery Area composed of Sampson, Harnett, Lee <br />and Chatham Counties, was in the best interest of the County. Accordingly, <br />Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews moved that the Board re-affirm its previous <br />action in designating its choice of a Service Delivery Area as being the Sampson, <br />Harnett, Lee and Chatham Counties area. Commissioner Jerry M. Almond <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />